CHAPTER 3: Drake

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Kent has been gone now for a few days and I have had to be dealing with a lot of shit lately with some issues occurring with some packs that are backing down from signing treaties with us.

One of my Omega's has recently told me that it's because they are fearful of me and that makes them worried about me making 'steady' decisions.

I guess in a way that would make sense to a point as Kent has been pointing out for a while now that I have changed the way I make certain important decisions and approach things. I don't really see much of a difference as they are telling me but whatever. We didn't go to those packs they came to us and without our protection, we can't guarantee that they will be safe.

Marcie had decided to make a sudden appearance uninvited making her way into my office.

"What are you doing here Marcie?" I ask.

"I just came by because I was about to leave town to go and visit my parents in Paris and wanted you to know that I am talking with them about us." She smiles seductively and comes over and sits down on my lap.

"There is no 'US'." I remind her while removing her arms off my shoulders and pushing her up off my lap.

"But baby, my parents are already..." She starts but I stop her.

"As I told you before. You and I are not mates nor will we ever be. I don't care what the rules or so-called 'laws' say about me becoming Alpha King in needing to have a Luna and all that crap. The truth is, you and I will never be that. From the beginning of all this, we both had the understanding of the fact that this was never anything serious or would become anything serious." I tell her.

"But...." She begins again and then I stop her.

"LEAVE Marcie!" I tell her with finality in the tone of my voice while I slam my fist down hard onto the desk while standing up out of my chair abruptly.

"Fine! I will leave you alone for now but when I return, you and I will talk about this." She says and then huffs and turns on her heal then stomps off out the office, slamming the door behind her.

My god why the hell did I ever get involved with her?! She is annoying as shit. Hours later, I heard all the guys in the living room greet Kent and welcome him back. So I took a break from going over some documents I need to have read and signed to return back into the Wolf Council so that they can continue onto the next several steps and measures that need to be taken before it is official in me becoming the new Alpha King.

"Hey Alpha." He greets me while nodding his head up at me.

"Hey. How did everything go?" I ask him.

"Good. They are on board with the agreement and I got their signatures right here." He exclaims while pulling out the rolled up paper and handed it to me.

"Thanks. I appreciate you going out there." I tell him.

"Of course." He smiles.

I have taken notice almost every time he has returned from ever going where he does the past almost year, I always smell a hint of a scent that smells a little familiar to me yet I can never put my finger on it. Then this time, it's stronger than ever the moment he walked past me and upstairs to his bedroom.

It's frustrating because what the scent reminds me of is of........No, it couldn't be her. It couldn't be Jesika. There is no way it could be. Even if it was, he would tell me. I'm his best friend, we're like brothers and plus, I'm his Alpha. He knows better than to keep that from me.....Right?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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