CHAPTER 8: Jesika

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This couldn't be happening. Right now I am sitting in a car with the father of my son, who both have already figured out who each other is and although I have my reservations about that, at the same time, I can't help but also feel happy and a bit relieved in a way, that they both not just know each other, but immediately acted as though Drake has been gone for only months and not years.

Something else I'd rather not like to admit out loud is that I didn't realize my feelings for Drake were still as strong as they always were until he came here. In a way, it was comforting, a little hot even that he had come for us.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asks, breaking the awkward silence to this long car ride.

"Just thinking." I shrugged as I looked out the window.

"You sure nothing's on your mind?" He asks me.

That's something I do enjoy at the fact he can't mind link or read my mind because he never marked me, yet at the same time, he also knows me too well to know when something's wrong.

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry about how I reacted back there. I was just....just taken by surprise." I reply.

"YOU were taken by surprise?! I found out I had a son." He points out with a small chuckle.

"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry for that too, in not telling you." I replied.

"How could you keep that from me?!?" He asks through clenched teeth and while gripping tightly until his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel as he continued glaring out onto the roadway.

"I had my reasons." I tell him.

"And what would those be huh?!" He snaps at me. "You.....fucking....took...MY.....son...away from me! Do you have any idea how fucked up that was?!?" He continued to rant.

"Yes. I do. But I don't recall you ever trying to look for me or even ask me why I had left or anything!" I fired back at him.

"Did I EVER call you a damn MONSTER?! Or say that I used you, huh?!" He starts to yell a little bit.

"Just drop it." I tell him.

"I will NOT! You OWE me an explanation, DAMNIT!" He snaps at me again.

I was scared deep down inside because of the way he sounded right now. I don't blame him but yet am scared too because this is how he sounds before he starts to shift and fight.

Suddenly, he stops though. It takes a minute and I can tell he is mind linking somebody-most likely, Kent, then begins to say something.

"Dominic's hungry. Can't say I blame him neither because we have been on the road now for a few hours and some part of the night. So we'll pull up to the nearest place and eat, then continue." He assertively tells me.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I hadn't realized we had been on the road for so long. Guess I was too caught up in my thoughts and thinking about Dominic that I had forgotten it was night time and that we've been on the road for hours.

Eventually we found a cute little diner right off the freeway and right after being seated and placing in our order, Dominic started tugging at my arm a little bit.

"Yes Sweetie?" I asked him.

"Can I pwease pway the cwaw machine?" He begs with his sad adorable and irresistible face.

"Okay." I smile at him and start to pick up my purse to grab my wallet for some change but I heard Drake stop me.

"I got it." He says in a softer tone than in the car.

"No. I got it, thanks." I started to say but he glanced at me letting me know he had it and that was that.

So to avoid arguing in front of Dominic, I let it go and nodded my head in agreement. Drake next took him over towards the machine and they started playing it, which did put a smile on my face.

"Things are going to be okay." Kent tells me.

"What?" I asked turning my head back to face him while drinking some of my Sprite.

"You and Drake are going to be okay." He smiles at me and has me wondering what makes him think that?

Don't get me wrong, it would be nice if things worked out but I can't hold on to 'hope' as I have done that most of my life only for things to go the complete opposite direction....Guess we will have to wait and see.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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