CHAPTER 18: Jesika

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I was completely surprised that his parents had come back so fast. I haven't seen neither one since I had left and to be honest I felt real worried and nervous as hell but thankfully things weren't as bad.

Last night Alpha Drake explained to me that he had heard they were coming soon but forgot to mind link me.

Today, his mother wanted to take me and Dominic out while Alpha Drake and his guys all stayed home with his father and did some business.

Dominic was excited and I was happy also.
I had offered to take us but Drake's mother insisted on driving us instead.

While walking around in the biggest toy store I have ever stepped foot in that happened to be also two stories and had things set up to where they had toys out to have the kids play with, I had decided to make conversation with Alpha Drake's mom.

"I really appreciate this Mrs..." I started but she stopped me.

"Please, call me Karol." She smiles at me while looking around.

"Alright, Karol." I replied. "I am sorry for what happened in the past and I hope we can move forward from it." I start to tell her and stop as soon as she holds up her hand before looking at me with a smile.

"It was years ago. You both were very young and to be honest I forgot all about it. I am just happy to see my grandson." She smiles at me.

I honestly felt relieved after she told me that. Along with the fact she was having me call her Karol. I was surprised and yet impressed at the same time thinking that things would be awkward or something mostly due to what happened in the past but it was the complete opposite of what had just happened.

The rest of the day we spent shopping and also grabbed some lunch then headed back home.

Once inside, thankfully the guys were all together as we needed help with the bags of toys Dominic had gotten along with some other things that his mot-Karol, bought for me.

Everything seemed to be falling into place the way I wish it had back then, but it's never too late, right?

Drake explained to me later on about how he needed to have a meeting with the council tomorrow and while there would mention about me being his mate because there will need to soon be a ball where we would have to announce it to everybody.

I'm normally not one for having that much attention put upon me but I know it's not up for negotiation and is a tradition to their kind.

Not to mention is also something I need to look forward to from now on since I would eventually become officially his Luna and need to be in the public's eye sorta speak.

This whole new life will be an adjustment for me but I know with him and everyone else by my side, especially Dominic, things will be okay.

I felt elated for the second time in my life. The first time of course was when I found out I was pregnant with Dominic and the day he was born.

I always believed everybody had a purpose and think that I myself was meant to be this. A mother and a Luna.

Tonight after putting Dominic to bed when finished dinner, I decided to check on Drake who was in the office going over a few things before going in front of the council tomorrow and was hoping I could make him come to bed and not worry.

So I gently knocked on the door and Beta Kent had answered and looked real tired.

"Hey Jesika." He greets me with a yawn.

"Hey. I don't mean to interrupt but...." I began telling him and he stopped me.

"No. You aren't interrupting anything to be honest." He mentions. "In fact, I'm heading off to bed." He says then nods at Drake who nods back at him to say 'goodnight' before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Next I start to walk up towards Drake who doesn't look up at me right away until I get a little closer.

"I'm sorry baby. I just need to go over some stuff for tomorrow." He says as he finishes writing something down onto a piece of paper and then turns in his chair to look at me and has me sit on his lap.

"It's okay." I smiled and sat on his lap while we wrapped our arms around one another and gave each other a kiss. "You nervous about tomorrow?"

"No. It's just I wanted to make sure I remembered to ask everything I needed to." He says.

"Well, not to try and change the subject but, I was thinking, with me soon becoming officially your Luna and mate, when will I meet my wolf? Or change? Or will that ever happen?" I ask.

He chuckled a little at me before he answers.

"You'll know. It isn't something I can really explain. But there will be obvious changes in you both physically and mentally. And since you are with an Alpha as your mate, you will have a lot of my sharp and strong capabilities." He tells me.

"Yeah?" I asked while looking at his attractively sexy lips.

"Mhmm...." He says then leans in and gives me a kiss.

We begin kissing and quickly he starts to get up and takes me over to the couch where we remove one another's clothes and begin making great love with each other.

I am so in love with this man.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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