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Ali, Sydney, Sarah dan Sam berkumpul di bumbung bagi melaporkan misi.

E. Mike : Good job guys. Now we must make sure that the robbery cases can be reduce in this metropolitan city. Please keep this momentum and the most important is cooperation. Understand agents ?
Semua : Yes agents !!!
E. Mike : Ok you can go home now. Thank you ( hologram terpadam ).

Tiba2 Sydney mengerang kesakitan.

Sydney : Auchh !!
Sarah : Sydney, are you alright ?
Sydney : I think I just sprained my ankle.
Ali : Let me take a look.

Ali pun menyelak seluar pd pergelangan kaki Sydney dn ternmpk bengkak besar pd kaki Sydney.

Ali : Your leg swollen. Maybe we should take her to A.M.A for treatment.
Sam : Yeah I think so. Her leg looks bad.
Sarah : Lets go then. Can you walk Sydney ?

Sydney cuba utk berjln tpi dia terjatuh. Mujur Ali dpt menangkapnya.

Ali : Looks like she cannot walk. Maybe we should contact A.M.A for help.
Sarah : Yeah, thats the only way.

Sarah pun kluarkan telefonnya lalu hubungi pihak A.M.A utk bantuan. Slg beberapa minit, kereta yg dipandu seorang ejen A.M.A pun tiba. Kereta itu dipandu menuju ke A.M.A Academy. Sesampainya di sana, Ali menemani Sydney ke bilik rawatan manakala Sarah dn Sam pergi berjumpa dgn mentor. Ali yg masih risau melihat keadaan Sydney yg masih terhinjut2 berjalan segera bertanya.......

Ali : Awk masih blh berjln ke Sydney ?
Sydney : Blh, awak jgn risau ye 😊😊

Hakikatnya, Sydney sdh x mampu utk berjln lagi tpi ditahannya. Ali berasa kasihan melihat Sydney lalu dia pun mengangkat Sydney ala bridal style. Sydney terkejut bila Ali mengangkatnya.

Sydney : W......What are you doing ? 😳😳 ( blush )
Ali : Jgnlah paksa diri tu. Klu awk x blh jln, saya blh dukung awk.
Sydney : Tpi saya malulah 😳😳. Nnti kwn2 kita ckp apa pulak.
Ali : Biar jelah diorang nk kata apa. Klu diorang tnya ckplah kita couple ( nada perlahan )
Sydney : What do you say ? Blh tk ckp kuat sikit ?
Ali : Haha tkde apalah 😅😅

Mereka pun teruskan perjlnan ke bilik rawatan. Spnjg perjalanan ke sana, Sydney tdk memandang Ali kerana terlalu malu. Dia juga mula merasakan yg dia tlh jatuh hati pd Ali.

Sydney : * Sebenarnya, saya dgr apa yg awk ckp cuma saya mahu awak ulanginya * ( dlm hati ).

Bilik rawatan

Ali meletakkan Sydney di atas katil dn menunggu sehingga doktor tiba. Slg bebrapa saat, kelihatan doktor dn seorang jururawat masuk ke dlm bilik.

Dr. Ashley : Hello Ali. So what happened to Sydney ?
Ali : She sprained her ankle during the mission. I check her ankle and find out that her leg swollen. Thats why I bring her to you. Maybe you can help her.
Dr. Ashley : Ok. Let me check first.

Dr. Ashley pun memeriksa pergelangan kaki Sydney yg bengkak itu.

Dr. Ashley : Looks like its not a bad injury but she will stay here for 2 days for treatment.
Ali : Glad to hear that. Thanks doctor 😊😊
Dr. Ashley : Your welcome 😊😊. Nurse, get the ice and some medicine for her.
Nurse : Ok doctor.
Ali : Doctor, I have to go now. Please take care of her for me.
Dr. Ashley : No problem. Thats my job.
Ali : Cunnn. Sydney, saya balik dulu ye. Nnti esok saya dtg balik.
Sydney : Ok jumpa esok 😊😊.

Sblum Ali pergi, dia smpt membuat simbol mini love pd Sydney. Sydney sekadar senyum dn blushing shj.

Sydney : * Ishh Ali ni. Tahulah awk ni comel, awk buat mcm tu buat saya malu pulak hihi * ( blush )

Dr. Ashley yg melihat Sydney dgn muka kemerahan tu segera mengusiknya....

Dr. Ashley : Well2, looks like someone already have a boyfriend 😏😏.
Sydney : No, he just my bestfriend ( masih blushing ).
Dr. Ashley : Are you sure ? Looks like he really care about you 😏😏.
Sydney : Of course he care. Im his teamate after all.
Dr. Ashley : I know you like him so much but you must know your limit between you and him.

Sydney terdiam seketika lalu berkata

Sydney : You dont have to worry about that, I realise who am I to him. In fact, I just borrow him for a while since its my mission that she gave to me for 2 years.
Dr. Ashley : Yeah I know. Speaking about mission, how's the progress until now ? Is there any changes ?
Sydney : There are some changes and there also still remain the same. But I will try my best to change him.
Dr. Ashley : Good to hear that. Hope you can complete your mission successfully. You the best inviso agent after all.
Sydney : The best agent is only the title. Its not important at all. The most important is our heart and our intention. Why we join this agency ? Thats my principle that I hold until now 😊😊
Dr. Ashley : 😊😊😊


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