Is it Art Or Something Else? Part 2

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*Elisabeth materialises*

"Hello Amelie."
Behind her, Enj stamps through the door with a scowl, followed closely by R, who's almost crying with laughter.

Amelie watches them questioningly and Elisabeth sighs (again).

"Enj says he's going out for dinner tonight with letothersriseseries, says they're the only one who understands the importance of planning a good revolution."

Grantaire shouts across the room.
"And you know what that means! Wine party at our place tonight!"

Amelie visibly becomes slightly terrified, knowing full well what that means

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Amelie visibly becomes slightly terrified, knowing full well what that means...

Elisabeth winks at him and leans back to Amelie conspiratorially.
"If you can bring food or wine you're in. I doubt that Enj will be happy to see the aftermath of mine and R's mess in the morning, but it'll be worth it.

*extremely quiet reply* "I think I'll be bringing white wine...I highly doubt there's much of the red one left anywhere"

Amelie slips out of seat to talk to Enjolras (still visibly scared because he is terrifying!!!) She tells him that she will fill the white wine bottles with water and not give it to Elisabeth and R until they have drank the red wine...she then goes to hide in the corner of the room with a notebook.

Elisabeth follows her and smirks.
"You see Enj was already in a mood... with Marius."

Because Marius never shuts up about his lonely soul.

We too were redecorating a few days ago, after an oil painting extravaganza I had with R resulted in an explosion of yellow paint all over the sitting room wall

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We too were redecorating a few days ago, after an oil painting extravaganza I had with R resulted in an explosion of yellow paint all over the sitting room wall.
Enj walked in and started screaming. He was soon ok though, because he said this was a perfect opportunity to paint the walls "Red: the blood of angry men!" R seemed happy enough with this because it reminded him of good wine, and I liked it because it reminded me of my old home.

Then, a few days later, we were sitting in our lovely refurbished room. R was drawing Enj, Enj was scribbling something or other about Patria and I was reading a rather excellent book.
There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it... It was Marius...
Turns out he wanted to speak to someone about Cosette and his "lonely soul."

*dramatic eye roll*

I let him into the sitting room and the first thing his says is "I see you've redecorated the walls in the colour of my desire for Cosette!"

Of course me and R wouldn't stop laughing at him, but Enj had gone very silent. He mumbled something about 'having to change the colour of the paint now' so it didn't remind him of Marius.

The next day R and I woke to find Enj covered head to toe in green paint, and the living room this completely different colour

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The next day R and I woke to find Enj covered head to toe in green paint, and the living room this completely different colour.

*Elisabeth looks at Amelie who is scribbling something or other. She snatches the paper and laughs.*

"Is this a love poem? For Parnasse or Jehan?"

*Amelie turns bright red and mumbles something along the lines of  'shut up'*

They are interrupted by Enj storming over, pouting angrily.

"What is it now?" Elisabeth sighs.
"Marius is singing about his lonely soul again! And Grantaire is encouraging him!"

Elisabeth stares up at him for a moment of exasperation.
"Alright, alright. I'll distract R and shut Marius up. Stay here with Amelie."

Whispers to Amelie.
"Me and R are going to get so drunk tonight without Enj...:
She skips away, leaving Amelie to deal with moody pouting Enjolras.

(And leaving Amelie to curl up and try hide from angry revolutionary)

Remember to request whatever gossip you would like to hear, whether it is about us, our boys or any of our other acquaintances ;) ~Elisabeth

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Remember to request whatever gossip you would like to hear, whether it is about us, our boys or any of our other acquaintances ;)

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