Chaos (in one of many forms)

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*Amelie runs into the Musain and immediately goes to hide behind Elisabeth*

"Save me please......"

*confused look from Elisabeth*

Amelie starts to talk very fast, not making much sense and becomes more exasperated whilst doing so. Is eventually told to calm down and speak slower.

*calms down slightly*

"Ummm's the boys. Parnasse did something and now Jehan is mad and I'm caught in the middle of it all"

Elisabeth raises her eyebrows.
"Jehan? Jehan prouvaire has the capability to be angry? I do not believe it."

*Rapid nodding from Amelie*
We were just at home and everything was perfectly fine. I was curled up on the sofa in a blanket (it was a little cold), Jehan was in the kitchen, I'm pretty sure he was making tea and Parnasse...I can't remember what he was up to. Except for the fact he was clumsy. He knocked one of Jehan's many flower pots off a cabinet and accidentally stood on the flowers that fell out of it.

Then the chaos happened.....

Then the chaos happened

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(Jehan was traumatic)

Jehan was mad and he started shouting, I've never seen Parnasse so scared of something. So he ran off somewhere, that somewhere was behind the sofa I was sitting on. Then I had Jehan standing in front of me, glaring over the top of the sofa at a top hat, still yelling. I was frozen, albeit completely terrified and unsure of what to do. It did get out of hand when Jehan threatened to call Javert because "crushing flowers is a felony". I lost it and shouted at him because we have a criminal living with us and I don't want to be arrested for that.

*Elisabeth* We certainly don't want a repeat of this skirmish

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*Elisabeth* We certainly don't want a repeat of this skirmish.


So now Jehan is in a mood and Parnasse is still scared. I ran out of the house a few minutes ago, because I couldn't handle it anymore. I'm expecting they'll both come running after me.....they don't particularly like it when I get upset with them.

And I'm done with my chaos......just let me hide here for a while.

*5 minutes later and both Jehan and Parnasse come running in looking slightly distressed because they feel awful about what they did. Hugs and apologies follow*

*Sighs from Elisabeth*
"I still have a hangover from last night."

Remember you can request whatever gossip you would like to hear, whether it is about us, our boys or any of our other friends!
~ Amelie

Yes please do! I know Amelie paints 'vive la revolution' on walls but you can ask me! I'm totally normal ;)

~ Elisabeth

And remember, Javert is always watching

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And remember, Javert is always watching.

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