And they were roomates...

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*Amelie woke up not long after getting home*

Amelie is now sitting on the sofa, fidgeting every few minutes, bored about not doing anything. Montparnasse has disappeared into the confines of his own room and the only indication of his presence is the occasional crashes and curse words that can be heard. Jehan is pacing around the kitchen waiting for hot water to boil so he can make tea and hopefully calm down.

Amelie has finally had enough of not doing anything and quietly slips off the sofa. Getting her coat on is a different story. It's hard to do without making someone aware. Amelie is about halfway done with putting on the coat when the fabric catches against her arm the wrong way. She lets out a pained hiss, whilst biting back a scream.

Jehan walks in at this point. He puts down the tea as quickly as possible and heads over to Amelie. "Sunshine what in the world do you think you're doing?" Amelie diverts her gaze to the floor. "I'm going out. To the café."

Jehan's eyes widened as Amelie continued to struggle with her coat.

Jehan's eyes widened as Amelie continued to struggle with her coat

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"Amelie, no. You can't go out. You need to stay here and-" Amelie snapped her head up and glared at him. "And what? I am not staying around here to do nothing!"

Taking a hesitant step towards Amelie, Jehan takes her coat in his own hands and carefully pulls it onto her shoulders. "I just want you to be safe Amelie. If you go out and get hurt again-" For the second time Amelie cuts Jehan off. This time with a kiss.

"Jehan. Flower, I know the risks of going out. I am not going far, and I will stay safe. Promise." Amelie turns and walks out of the door leaving Jehan standing frozen in the hallway. Coming to his senses, Jehan grabs his own coat and runs out the door after Amelie.

 Coming to his senses, Jehan grabs his own coat and runs out the door after Amelie

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He catches up to Amelie easily as she has not gone far. A debate starts between the two of them, Amelie not paying much attention to what Jehan is saying.

"Amelie, please let's just go back."
"No flower, stop asking."
"I'll give you tea and biscuits and we can curl up on the sofa and I can read poems to you."
"Or flower, we can carry on to the café like I planned on doing."
"But you are still hurt."
"I. Am. Fine."

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