Happy Families - More or Less

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Elisabeth knocks on Joly's door, grim faced at having to see her brother again. It swings open and Bossuet smiles at her from the doorway.
"Bonjour Elisabeth!"

"Bonjour. I am looking for my brother. I really need to speak to him."

He nods. "I will go and get him for you."
He makes his way off into the house, tripping over nothing and sending kitchenware clattering about as he slumps onto a table.

"What are you doing down there?" The voice of Musichetta calls from upstairs.

"Elisabeth is here! She wants to see Joly."

The familiar sound of her brother's screeching rings out from upstairs.
Moments later, Chetta appears, dragging Joly down the stairs.
"Chetta! No! She is going to attack me!"

Elisabeth frowns as Chetta throws her brother forwards

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Elisabeth frowns as Chetta throws her brother forwards.
"She's not going to attack you Joly."

"I just need to speak with you brother, it is very important. Truce?"
Beth holds her hand out and Joly looks at it like it's a weapon in itself.
"I'm not going to attack Joly. I haven't got any disease either, before you play that card."

Joly looks at her nervously. "You promise? No more fighting?"

"Not about this."

Joly steps back.

"I'm not going to do anything. Truce?"

Joly slowly takes her hand. "Fine. Truce."

"Good. I'm marrying Enjolras."


Bossuet falls over behind him at the sudden shout.

Chetta guides Beth inside, past her gaping brother, to a comfortable seat

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Chetta guides Beth inside, past her gaping brother, to a comfortable seat. Joly follows, standing in front of Beth with his arms folded. Chetta tries to get him to sit down but he shakes her off.

"I have to marry him," Beth says matter of factly. "Its the only way."

Joly sighs. "Oh god, what is to become of you as the wife of Enjolras, the man in love with France?"

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