Team up! Pranks ;)

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Bonjour! It's Amelie. Me and R are doing something very exciting. We are going to prank Enj, then Elisabeth. And see the reaction...

*R is sitting there smirking, plans forming in his mind*

First we're going to prank Enj:

R is 'fixing' all the wall maps that are in the cafe. He has painted over the name of France and left only the 'R' visible. Unfortunately R still has had slightly too much to drink, and trips over his feet. This sends wine spilling over the documented revolution plans.

 This sends wine spilling over the documented revolution plans

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*He walks over to Amelie looking very embarrassed*

"I did the maps, the plans were not meant to be covered in wine....please make sure Apollo doesn't find out."

Of course Enj has to walk in then. He spots the plans first, and then the maps. Then the cafe is filled with the most inhuman screeching noise ever heard. Enj's face has turned almost as red as his coat, and he's glaring at Grantaire, who's still hiding behind Amelie. But Amelie is now terrified about being also caught under the stare of angry french revolutionary man and runs into another room.

This then allows Enj to chase Grantaire out of the Musain

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This then allows Enj to chase Grantaire out of the Musain. From inside the cafe you can hear Enj yelling at R for what he did to the plans and the maps. Even though it wasn't all his idea....

Elisabeth appears in the doorway, when Amelie finally comes back from the other room.

"Hello Elisabeth. Try to ignore the intense yelling coming from the streets..."

Elisabeth has already noticed the maps and plans and raises an eyebrow at Amelie. Amelie looks at the floor in shame. "It was me and R, we are very sorry. About the plans....the maps were for fun."

Both girls are interrupted by R running back into the Musain, looking very upset. He goes and hugs Amelie and starts explaining.

"Enj hates me! He said I'm clumsy and I always drink too much, and I ruin everything and I've made a mess. He said I don't believe in anything and I've destroyed everything he's worked for. H-he said that I am not worthy of love and no one loves me and no one ever will!!!!!"

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