Snowed In

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A/n - smut warning for the end of this one. We will put where it begins and ends so you may avoid it if you like. The story will still make sense.

*In Elisabeth's cabin.*

"See Enj," Elisabeth says, sitting up. "We will be out tomorrow, there is no need to worry."

"Yes, and then we can enjoy the snow!" R grins.

"Yes, and then we can enjoy the snow!" R grins

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Enjolras scowls but does not argue further. He settles down into a chair and begins to read.

R and Elisabeth dance most of the day away to imaginary music and drink during the rest. Enjolras murmurs something about them having gone mad already with literal cabin fever. However when Beth and R give him a chaste kiss on each cheek he blushes and complains no more.

By the time evening comes, Elisabeth is rather bored. It does not seem like much of a holiday, to be stuck in the same room for hours on end. Even R and Enjolras had eventually stopped their debates, somehow running out of topics to fuel their discussion. Elisabeth had even, in her utter desperation, tried to stoke the fire in their desire to argue by bringing up topics she knew they disagreed on in order to have a long conversation, but to no avail. They had all be drained of their energy through doing nothing at all. Even the air felt lethargic. This meant that Elisabeth had nothing to entertain herself with except her own thoughts. She sits in an armchair by the window, staring out of it thoughtfully. Over the top of the thick snow and through the trees she can just about see the stars.

R sits doodling whilst Enjolras continues reading next to him on the sofa. Both men seemed determined and relaxed in their silence, though it seems oppressive to
A prank, she thinks, would perhaps spice the nice up a little bit.
She smiles slyly as she quietly undoes the window latch, lifting the pane ever so slightly so a little cascade of snow falls into the room. She closes the window and secures it again, hurrying so that the snow doesn't melt. Then she grabs two handfuls of the snow and noisessly makes her way from the window. She creeps over to the back of the sofa, hands behind her.

"Hey," she says gently. Both of Enj and R look up at her and she inclines her head to a bottle on the table before them. She makes sure not to look at either of them in particular as she asks, "Would you pass me that please, chèri?"
Her ploy pays off as they both lean forward to grab it for her. She brings her arms up, cackling evilly, then shoves the snow down the back of their shirts.
They cry out in shock, both jumping to their feet. Elisabeth doubles over with laughter as they claw at themselves desperately, trying and failing to free the snow from their clothes.

"Why Elisabeth? Why would you do this to me?" R moans dramatically.

Enjolras grumbles, almost dancing about in his attempts to hastily untuck his shirt. "It is so cold!" He complains.

 "It is so cold!" He complains

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