A relatively normal day

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"Elisabeth!!!!!!!!!" Amelie skids over to the table, misjudging the distance and accidentally trips over.

Jehan walks into the room at that exact moment and goes to help. Amelie can see Elisabeth laughing at her misfortune and the fact that she has turned bright red with embarrassment from someone having to help. The chair is righted and everything is back to normal.

Amelie is still glaring at Elisabeth when she is hugged from behind. It's Jehan.

*Elisabeth raises her eyebrows at this PDA*

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*Elisabeth raises her eyebrows at this PDA*

Amelie does relax slightly but is still slightly shaken. "It's not nice to laugh at other people's misfortunes Elisabeth."

Amelie then turns to Jehan. "Flower, our new friend enjolras_marius said they wanted to talk to you. They didn't say what about, so please be careful. I don't need more chaos...."

Jehan smiles. "I'll be careful, but if they are a friend then nothing will go wrong. You just need to trust people more than you do now"

He starts walking off and calls over his shoulder. "Calm down and don't get jealous!"

Amelie sits back on the chair, staring after him. She then turns to Elisabeth who still has a resting smirk on her face.

"He tells me not to get jealous!! All he does is go talk about revolution and other things....no time. Although that hug was needed. Parnasse has been stealing more top hats and now one of our rooms is full of them and it's getting a little stressful."

Ignoring the smirk, Amelie looks off towards the boys gathered around another table and sighs.

"Stupid revolution....."

"Mmm Whatcha Say?"

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"Mmm Whatcha Say?"

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