Accidents don't just happen accidentally...

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Amelie and Gavroche are playing hide and seek with 'Parnasse out the back of the house and inside it. Amelie has hidden under the kitchen table, and Gavroche has hidden up in 'Parnasse's room. Amelie can hear footsteps coming closer to the table and hopes that she won't be found first.

Gavroche then pulls out one of the chairs and attempts to join Amelie, hiding under the table. However, he has one of 'Parnasse's top hats on his head and can't walk under. Amelie chuckles and takes the top hat off Gav's head.

Once both Amelie and Gavroche are not hiding under the table they run up the stairs to steal more top hats. Gavroche takes the smallest of the top hats, whilst Amelie takes a more extravagant one with a feather in it. They both hear Montparnasse's voice and run out of the door before he can catch them.

At a safe distance from the house, Amelie and Gavroche start imitating Montparnasse and soon find themselves outside the cafe. Gavroche runs in first, determined to find Courf and show off his new accessory. Amelie walks in after him and upon entering the room is given quite a shock.

As soon as Amelie enters the room, a loud bang fills it and the top hat flies off her head. Amelie screams and looks in the direction of the gunshot. Enjolras, with his gun pointed directly at her, looking very angry.

 Enjolras, with his gun pointed directly at her, looking very angry

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Amelie storms over to him and slaps him across the face. "You could have killed me! What were you thinking?!"

Enjolras now looks very ashamed of himself. "I thought it was that god awful thief come to steal something from me. Again might I add. And he always wears those stupid top hats. So I panicked and just sort of shot at you. It's not my fault you decided to wear it, I can't help the fact I shot at you. It was an accident!"

Amelie is now having to be held back from hitting Enjolras again. "You can't help the fact you shot at me!!! You insolent stupid arrogant man! You don't just shoot at someone because of what they are wearing. Accidents don't just happen accidentally!And 'Parnasse is not just a 'god awful thief'. He is my thief and you need to learn respect and be nicer!!!"

Amelie pushes past both Courf and Ferre, who had stopped her from hitting Enjolras again. She sits at a table in the corner, and pulls out a notebook. Amelie is going to ignore the leader in red for the rest of the evening until he apologises properly.

*Elisabeth and R have been watching the encounter take place from their own table*

"I think Amelie was a bit harsh. I rather like Enjolras," Elisabeth mutters, downing the rest of her wine.
Across the room, Enjolras pushes through the amis on his way to the door.

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