Keep your loved ones close

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Amelie is on her way to the cafe, to spend time with the Amis and Elisabeth. When she is close enough, Amelie can here guitar music coming from the window. Knowing it will probably be R playing, Amelie heads in only to be half dragged into the upstairs room by Gavroche.

When Gavroche stops and lets go of her hands, Amelie finds herself in the middle of the room. To further confusion, Amelie then ends up being blindfolded by a random person (most likely Elisabeth). Amelie goes to walk forwards, but trips over the hem of her dress. This sends her falling, luckily into someone's arms, but she doesn't know who (stupid blindfold).

R starts playing the guitar again and Amelie can feel herself moving around the room, dancing with different people. Amelie tries to figure out who she is dancing with at each stage as the blindfold is preventing her from seeing them. The upbeat music stops and Amelie ends up coming to a stop.

Jehan then takes her by the waist (she still doesn't know who it is!!) and music starts playing again. This time it's not guitar but piano (try guess who's playing: it's not R) and Amelie can feel herself being lead around the room, in time with the slow music.

After a while Amelie is stopped and Jehan lets go of her. The music is still playing and Amelie can feel the blindfold being removed. Once she can see again, Amelie looks at Jehan and blushes, knowing that he's been dancing with her for the past ten minutes.

All around her, Amelie can see other people dancing to the music, a room full of people who love each other, including R and Elisabeth enjoying their slow dance, whilst staring into each other's eyes

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All around her, Amelie can see other people dancing to the music, a room full of people who love each other, including R and Elisabeth enjoying their slow dance, whilst staring into each other's eyes. Amelie looks back at Jehan, who has a sparkle in his eye, like he has something planned.

Elisabeth reluctantly stops dancing with R and goes to pick up his guitar. The piano music changes, Amelie sees Ferre at the keys, and Elisabeth starts playing the guitar to match the song. Jehan takes Amelie by the hand and looks her in the eye.

The first of many surprises to Amelie was Jehan's soft singing voice that she could now hear. He really did think she was his sunshine, that was exactly what he was singing. The second of the surprises came right at the end of the song.

Jehan bent down and whispered the last words of the song in Amelie's ear. Slipping his arms around her neck, Jehan clasped the two sides of the locket together. Letting go of Amelie, Jehan steps back. Amelie looks at the locket and carefully opens it.

Inside the locket are two pictures. One of Jehan and another of 'Parnasse. Amelie can feel tears rising to her eyes and immediately hugs Jehan. Jehan then shows her the one hanging around his neck, with only one different picture, a picture of her. The sunshine, The thief and The flower. Three lockets for a relationship that was beautiful.

Enjolras walks in, and Elisabeth plays him a dramatic little theme tune on the guitar. He rolls his eyes and the amis laugh.

"My friends," he begins. "Tonight we celebrate our victory!"

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