Pranks and proposals...

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"How many wines is that now, Elisabeth?" Amelie smirks.
"I haven't been counting." Elisabeth knocks back the final drops of another bottle. "Have you, R?"
"It's best not to, Amelie." R says.

"And I'm the one who's going to end up paying for it," Enjolras grumbles from across the table

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"And I'm the one who's going to end up paying for it," Enjolras grumbles from across the table.
"No, Apollo! I will pay for my own wine." R opens his wallet upside down and one franc falls out. "Oh."
Enj sighs and looks to Elisabeth. "I don't suppose you have any money on you?"
"Enough for another bottle each for R and I!" She kisses Enj on the cheek on her way to buy more wine. R cheers.
Enjolras grabs Elisabeth's wrist.
"Wait." He frowns. "I'll pay for it."
"I have the money silly," she laughs.
"You can't spend everything you have on alcohol, Beth. Not like Grantaire, who is setting a terrible example."
R laughs and Enj scowls in disappointment.

"Honestly, I can't imagine what happened with you two last night when you were sober that was so terrible you're drinking again

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"Honestly, I can't imagine what happened with you two last night when you were sober that was so terrible you're drinking again. I thought you would like being sober. What did you even do with the time?"
Elisabeth and R catch each other's eyes and blush, then look away. Amelie narrows her eyes in suspicion and Enj sighs.
"I may as well use my unwanted wealth for something. Wine, Amelie?"
Amelie shakes her head and Enj moves away.
"I didn't know you were sober last night?" Amelie says.
Elisabeth laughs. "That's because you were steaming drunk. And you threatened my poor boys to payback if they didn't protect me!"
"I hope they took the message," Amelie stares R down.
He chuckles and winks. "Don't worry Amelie. Mademoiselle Elisabeth was very much under my protection last night."


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