The Aftermath

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On his way to the dance hall, Enjolras had been musing about the look on Elisabeth's face when he had kissed her at the café. Her shock continued to make him chuckle, even though he had replayed the moment in his head a thousand times.
Reaching the building, he sees Thénardier slinking away, flipping a coin. Enj scowls. Thénardier sees him and pales, scurrying off. Enjolras does not follow him, not wanting to be bothered with scum like that on such a lovely day.

 Enjolras does not follow him, not wanting to be bothered with scum like that on such a lovely day

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He finds the door already open and sinks into confusion. Grantaire would've often have habitually covered his tracks, out of the former peril of the revolution. Though he had thought R didn't care about much, Enjolras had admittedly always harboured an admiration his astuteness, which prevailed even when he was drunk.

Enjolras hears a loud bang like a door slamming as he moves through the foyer. He draws up a curtain to reveal the grand, but empty dance hall. At the other end of the room, the door on stage left has been thrown open, revealing a long corridor. Two people disappear round the corner, shouting. They were not Grantaire and Elisabeth, Enj registers with a start. He half walks, half runs to the door. There is a hole next to the frame with... a bullet lodged inside of it.

Neither Grantaire or Elisabeth would've brought a gun to a dance hall.

He breakes into a run, drawing out a hidden pistol of his own. He does not care if he kills someone, not if they threaten Beth or R.

Gaining on the strangers, he sees the flash of a familiar uniform. National guard fugitives.
He hears R curse loudly, and his heart rises into his mouth. There is silence, but no shot yet.

"Filthy insurgents... of course they'd hide like cowards in the face of death." He hears one of the strangers growl.

He tries to place the voice, hurrying past hundreds of corridors which split off in all directions.
Then he sess them, creeping down a corridor which ended in a pile of rubble, throwing open each door and pointing a gun into each room.
He takes a deep breath, taking aim.

The guard throws open another door and finds them

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The guard throws open another door and finds them. Enj sprints towards the guardsmen as he sees one press a gun to Grantaire's heart. R stands in front of Elisabeth as if to shield her.

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