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Amelie is still at home and Jehan has left to the cafe early. 'Parnasse is coming into the living room when Amelie frightens him by appearing in his line of sight too quick. Amelie hugs him. "'Parnasse, can you come with me to the cafe tonight? Please...."

'Parnasse opens his mouth to protest the idea but shuts it upon seeing the look Amelie is giving him. 'Parnasse sighs. "Alright dear Persephone, I will come. But only as you wish it so." Amelie looks at him confused not understanding the nickname. 'Parnasse catches on to her confused state. "Amelie. You are my Persephone as you are the daughter of something beautiful. You care for me and I am nothing but a thief. Hades. An evil, and yet you still care."

Amelie takes 'Parnasse by the hand and leads him out of the house and towards the cafe. "'Parnasse you are not evil. You are my thief and I care about you so much. Now I know technically the rules are that you aren't allowed in the cafe, but. I found out what you stole from Mr Revolution and you are going to give it back and apologise."

'Parnasse stops just outside the cafe and squeezes Amelie's hand. "Amelie I don't think this is a good idea. I should just go back home and...." Amelie starts dragging 'Parnasse inside. "You are going to give that ring back and spend time with me and Jehan. You are not going to sit at home and sulk whilst you wait for us to get back."

'Parnasse gives in to Amelie and lets her drag him inside

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'Parnasse gives in to Amelie and lets her drag him inside. He had an idea. Go in. Find the scary man. Apologise for stealing. Give him the ring back. Amelie was with him so nothing could go wrong. That all changed when Amelie and 'Parnasse got into the room.

R was the first one to notice them coming in. He was sitting over by Enjolras and Elisabeth. Before Montparnasse could disappear out of the cafe, Enjolras was standing in front of him with a gun pointed directly at his heart. 'Parnasse goes to take a step back and is stopped by Enjolras settling his finger on the trigger.

In a second, Amelie had moved from where she was standing to place herself in front of Enjolras

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In a second, Amelie had moved from where she was standing to place herself in front of Enjolras. The gun was no longer aimed at Montparnasse, but levelled at Amelie's head. Enjolras let his grip on the gun waver and went to lower it. Amelie grabbed onto the barrel of the gun and pulled it back up to where it was before and held it there.

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