Good news!

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"Good news? What is it?"

"Puppies!!!" Elisabeth grins. "R found some poor little puppies abandoned in a box on the street and he brought them home."

"I love them more than life." Elisabeth points under the table, and Amelie sees the puppies sleeping soundly.

*High pitched squealing noises from both of the girls; Jehan comes over to see who's in distress*

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*High pitched squealing noises from both of the girls; Jehan comes over to see who's in distress*

"What are those?" He says.

"They're dogs Jehan," R emerges with a bottle.

"They're dogs Jehan," R emerges with a bottle

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Give that to me." Elisabeth grabs at the bottle. "You're setting a bad example for our babies."

*R was not aware that dogs could be alcoholics.*

"I know they're dogs," Jehan frowns. "Are they yours?" He asks Elisabeth.

"Well... I can't actually look after all three of them once they get older."

Jehan's eyes go wide. "Can I have one, then? Oh, Amelie please say we can have one!"

Amelie smiles at Jehan's excitement. "Of course we can have one of them. They are adorable."

"And I suppose I could give the other one to..." Elisabeth starts.

Marius runs past singing "a heart full of love", making everyone jump.

"Marius," R shouts. "Can you use your heart full of love for something useful!"

Marius narrows his eyes and stomps over. "What do you..." he sees the puppies.

" he sees the puppies

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