Sort out your problems

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Enjolras and Montparnasse have finished their dispute and have agreed the deal of no shooting each other. They both go back inside the café eager to avoid each other for the rest of the evening.

Montparnasse heads straight towards Jehan who is cradling a sleeping Amelie in his arms, taking occasional swigs of wine. 'Parnasse sits down next to Jehan and leans in towards him. Jehan shys away, wary of anything that could happen. He doesn't want anything to happen to Amelie, and is worried that 'Parnasse could possibly hurt her.

 He doesn't want anything to happen to Amelie, and is worried that 'Parnasse could possibly hurt her

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A look of hurt passes across Montparnasse's face. "Jehan. Please..." His voice is almost pleading. "Jehan. I'm not going to hurt you or Amelie. I wouldn't. Never. I ca- No! I don't just care about both of you. I love both of you! And I am so sorry." Montparnasse stands up and goes to leave the two of them.

Jehan reaches out and grabs onto Montparnasse's hand. "Don't leave. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have reacted like that. Amelie wouldn't want you to leave, and if you truly love us, then you definitely won't go." Jehan gives 'Parnasse a small smile as he sits back down and gently takes Amelie's hand, placing a light kiss on the back of it. Both only hoping that Amelie will be alright after sleeping.

*Enjolras has gone towards Elisabeth and R. R is sat down on the other side of the room from Amelie with Elisabeth, holding her tightly and stroking her hair. She shudders with a sob and he kisses her forehead gently, whispering soothing words. He looks up when Enjolras comes close.*

"Beth," Grantaire whispers into her hair

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"Beth," Grantaire whispers into her hair. "I think Enjolras wants to speak with us."
Elisabeth's head snaps up and she scowls. Enjolras steps back at the expression, as if wounded himself.
"What?" she growls.
"I- I'm very sorry," Enj says rather awkwardly. "It was an accident."
R nods in immediate forgiveness and Elisabeth releases herself from his grasp, standing up and scoffing at both of them.
"You men, with your guns and your constant fighting! An accident? You could've killed someone Enjolras! You meant to kill someone. That part was no accident!"
Enj looks at her in some shock, and tries to justify himself.

 That part was no accident!"Enj looks at her in some shock, and tries to justify himself

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