IKEA faerneture?

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I know IKEA the people sing ;)

*Elisabeth would've gone to the funeral. But she needed to finish building her IKEA furniture and crowds weren't her thing.*

"At last," she huffs, going downstairs for some fresh air. "I have assembled the NORKIVEN. That should last for years."

Grantaire comes into the room, taking off his hat.

She smiles at him. "Why aren't you at the funeral sing-song thing?"

"I was," he sits down a huff. "But then someone got shot and it was too dramatic so I left. I couldn't see Enjolras so there was nothing nice or special to look at there anymore." He grabs a bottle of wine.

"There's nothing nice or special around here either," Elisabeth says, fetching herself a drink.

"There's you," R smiles. Elisabeth turns with raised eyebrows and R blushes. He gestures vaguely out the door. "And there's a cow."

*Random cow walks by. Elisabeth decides not to question it.*

She walks over to him and leans against the table, frowning.

"You don't have to fight in this, R."

He looks up at her, but doesn't say anything.

"Please... you could die. All of you could. But you... you don't have to fight in this because you don't believe in this."

R sighs and pulls Elisabeth down from the table into an embrace.

"I can't live alone," Elisabeth whispers. "You're my friends, my family. I can't live alone without you. You can't die."

R shifts. "Look at me, Elisabeth."
She tries to turn her face away at the sensation of tears rising.
"Elisabeth." She looks to find R staring up at her in earnest. He smiles, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She does the same to him.
"I'm not going to die," he says simply.
Elisabeth scoffs.
"No, Elisabeth," he persists. "I'm going to be ok, we all are. Me, Apollo, Joly, you don't have to worry. Alright?"
He smiles at her with such assurance that she can't help but smile back.

"If you die I'll kill you," she says.

Marius shoves them into standing, and runs off towards the upstairs rooms.


She turns to R, "That applies to you too. Blood, sweat and tears went into building that furniture! And I will make you sleep on the floor if you touch it!"

*R is in shock.*

*Elisabeth laughs, and runs to embrace him one more time for good luck.*

"Just kidding," she kisses him quickly on the cheek. "You never have to sleep on the floor, chéri. Now go!"

*she runs after Marius.*

*Yelling can be heard as she wrestles him for the IKEA products.*


*cut to Amelie*

"We need as much faerneture as you can throw down!" Courf shouts. Amelie runs to the window.

Amelie is staring down at Courf, before a chair almost drops on him. "Have your faerneture!!!! It won't last long anyway!" Amelie turns away from the window and runs down the stairs, determined to find Jehan before the fighting starts.

Amelie eventually finds him stacking tables and chairs onto one section of the ever growing barricade. She pulls him to the side, making him stop what he is doing. Jehan is getting more worried, as Amelie still hasn't let go of his hands and won't raise her eyes to look at him.

Jehan tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "What's the matter Amelie, you never act like this."

Amelie finally turns her eyes away from the floor and tears are evident in them. "Please don't leave. I know you believe in the cause, that what you're fighting for is right. I mean, I believe it too. Just don't fight. I - I can't lose you, not now, not ever."

Jehan has never seen Amelie this upset before, and pulls her into a reassuring hug. "My dear Amelie, you are like the sun to me. You let me know there is still hope, and I don't like to see you upset, but you know I must do this. I will fight for a better future. For France and for you. I can't promise I won't die, but I will hold onto the belief that I will return. All I ask is you stay safe, and do not do anything reckless."

Amelie is now actually crying and is trying to assure herself that her flower will live (it doesn't work). "Go. Go and fight, I will not stay here. I cannot! And I will not! I won't stand by and watch someone I care about be killed for something that will inevitably fail!! Goodbye my flower, may luck be with you..."

Amelie then turns and walks away from the barricade, before beginning to run, trying to put it far behind her. Jehan is left, watching after one of the people he truly cares about, the harsh words of their goodbye still ringing in his ears. Unbeknownst to the both of them, Montparnasse was lurking in a nearby alley, listening to their conversation and silently praying (for once) that they will both be safe.

*Elisabeth lies shivering in her bed, alone, and listening to the boys sing through the darkness. Midnight chimes on her clock.*

It all ends today.

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