The Proposal

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*A fortnight later, the morning of their departure*

Elisabeth is still bustling about in their bedroom, Grantaire watching her from the bed with a smirk, when Enjolras comes home.
"Oh good, you're back," she says, hurrying over to him as he enters the room.

"Mon amour," R calls from behind her. "Sit down."

Elisabeth ignores him, smoothing down Enj's coat and straightening his already immaculate collar

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Elisabeth ignores him, smoothing down Enj's coat and straightening his already immaculate collar. The behaviour shocks Enj into silence.

"Are you clean?" Beth murmurs, grabbing Enj's wrists and checking his hands for god knows what. She begins to fiddle with his hair and Enjolras feels patronised.

"Beth, is this really necessary? I am sure your parents won't be inspecting every inch of me."

She frowns. "You don't know them like I do."

At that Enjolras gulps and Grantaire laughs out loud

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At that Enjolras gulps and Grantaire laughs out loud.
Elisabeth walks around him, smelling the air, and at that Enjolras can't help but begin to laugh himself. He has to sit down as him and R shake with uncontrollable laughter.

Elisabeth stands in the doorway, arms folded. She is joined by a concerned looking Joly.
"What has happened to them?"

"They won't stop laughing because I checked how Enj smelt."

Joly pauses grimly. "And how does he smell?"

"Fine. Nice enough."

R looks up then, amusement creasing his eyes. "Smelling someone. Truly ridiculous!"

Elisabeth and Joly scowl and Joly murmurs, "you don't know them like I do."

Beth turns to Joly. "Do I look presentable enough?"

Joly nods. "What about me?"

"You look better put together than I have seen you since I arrived here. So, fine," she clarifies. She pauses, shifting her weight a little, and looks down at her dress. "You can't tell?"

Joly shakes his head. "You are only... what? 8 or 9 weeks. Just don't smooth your dress down. Keep it all full in the middle like that and mother and father won't see a thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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