Barricades & pranks...

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Amelie is asleep at the table, when she is woken by knocking from the door. Amelie sits up and finds a blanket draped around her shoulders. Knowing 'Parnasse placed it there, Amelie makes a mental note to thank him later on.

Amelie is brought back into reality by another knock at the door. Standing, she goes to open it. The suddenness of Amelie opening said door, causes the four people outside of it to topple inwards onto the floor in a heap. Amelie rolls her eyes as the group collectively let out a groan, some of pain and some of embarrassment.

Amelie could distinguish Elisabeth as one of the four people. Her friend is the only one not covered in feathers and splinters. Amelie walks off towards the sofa, leaving them to detangle themselves, not willing to put up with them in this moment.

"Amelie, could you....umm. Could you come help with something please?" Amelie's head snaps up at the sound of this voice. The person it belonged to standing awkwardly in the doorway. The only one Amelie wanted to see in this moment. Jehan.

Amelie stands and walks towards him, confused as to how he is truly there

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Amelie stands and walks towards him, confused as to how he is truly there. Upon reaching where Jehan is standing, Amelie throws her arms around him pulling him into a tight hug. "You stupid person, you could have been killed!" Amelie releases him and hits him on the arm. "DON'T DO IT AGAIN!"

Amelie calms slightly. "How? How did you get out? You...." Amelie finally notices the cuts and bruises littering Jehan's face and arms, as well as the few blood stains on his shirt. "Oh my god. What happened? Are you ok?" Amelie pulls Jehan into the kitchen, finding Elisabeth in there along with R and Joly.

Whilst Amelie is removing the splinters and cleaning the blood off of his face, Jehan tells her how they got out. "We thought we were outnumbered, the National Guard had us cornered. Then, we heard this loud noise and then a whole crowd of people attacked the National Guard from behind and helped us defeat them. We all got away with minor injuries, some slightly worse than others, but nothing major and life threatening.....are you ok Amelie?"

Amelie has stopped cleaning up one of the cuts on Jehan's arm and is now just staring at him. Amelie pulls him into another hug, causing him to wince slightly. "You are alive my flower and that is all that matters. I am still mad, but I am so sorry that I left so rudely. You didn't deserve it, and I care about you so much, I didn't want to lose you. But your here now." Jehan is chuckling silently. "I'm grateful to be here too sunshine. I forgive you. You were worried, so was I. But I fought in the thought I would return to you, and 'Parnasse."

*Elisabeth and R have been silently watching this interaction and 'Parnasse has entered into the room*

*Elisabeth thinks back to the events of the day.*

She had been hiding under the covers of her bed, albeit fully dressed for the daytime, listening to the gunfire outside. She thought that the national guard would storm her building at any moment, looking for supporters of the revolution, and gripped a pistol that Enj had given her for protection tightly.

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