Secret admirers or murderers?

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Elisabeth has been in a deep, relaxed sleep, and wakes up to find the clock showing past noon. She washes and dresses herself slowly, smiling as she recalls the reason for her exhaustion.

The house is quiet, and she finds one of the reasons painting in the kitchen.
"Good morning, chérie." R smiles at her from behind the canvas. "Or should I say, afternoon?"

 "Or should I say, afternoon?"

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"It's your fault. Keeping me up so late," Elisabeth bites into an apple.
R's look turns devilish.

"What are you painting?" She says, making her way towards him.

"Oh, this? This is unfinished, you cannot see it." He scrambles to cover the work.

"Come now R, I am sure I will be able to recognise the bones of the piece if you explain it to me... I am an artist myself, you forget."

R grimaces as she struggles past him to the work. She laughs at him and he rolls his eyes.
"R, this is wonderful!" She protests. "I love it."

"It does not do you justice," he sighs.

"It does me plenty justice," Elisabeth inspects the portrait of herself. "It is so lifelike I almost feel as if I'm looking in a mirror."

R runs a hand through his hair.
"I am glad you like it. Though as I said it is unfinished. It will hopefully look better soon."

"Well I must paint you now mon amour... are you familiar with Adam's pose in Michelangelo's Creation of Adam?"

He chuckles and pulls her into his arms. "God, I love you."

"Blasphemy!" She mocks onto his lips.

"You smell nice," he murmurs.

"I borrowed some of Enj's hair things," she confesses. She pulls away from R and he whimpers. "Where is Enj, by the way?"

R seems to rack his brain. "He is doing something political. Yes, he woke me to say he'd be back this evening."

"That is a shame." Elisabeth frowns at his absence. "But I suppose it's important."

R swings her in his arms and she shrieks. He sits her on the table and kisses her forehead.
"Cheer up, Beth! There are a million ways we can spend the afternoon. We'll see him soon enough."

Elisabeth smiles. "I suppose.... what were you thinking?"

R swirls dramatically and poses.

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