Joly's Kidnapping

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Bonjour, it's Elisabeth

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Bonjour, it's Elisabeth.
I strongly suggest you do not be a doctor around here, unless you desire to be kidnapped from your home. Unfortunately, my brother Joly is very accomplished in medicine, as you already know well, so when we got ill, it did not go well for him.

A few weeks ago we caught a rather nasty virus that's been circulating through the area. It wasn't the plague, thank goodness, but rather a particularly uncomfortable head cold and a throaty cough.

I suppose Amelie's boyfriend 'Parnasse thought she had tuberculosis or something, to cause Joly so much distress through a federal crime! Amelie, I'll let you explain yourself.

*Amelie is currently trying to hide the embarrassment on her face.*

I can't blame 'Parnasse for what he did. He was trying to help. He just gets very overprotective and when I got ill, he expressed it in the form of kidnapping our resident doctor...

It was slightly traumatic. I thought he was going out to do what he normally does, and then he comes back through the door ten minutes later dragging Joly behind him. I was shocked to say the least, 'Parnasse has gone into the mood and almost threatened Joly to make me better.

It did calm down a little bit

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It did calm down a little bit. Jehan told 'Parnasse that he could have asked Joly nicely. He didn't really listen to that. But there was tea and biscuits.....and a blanket for me. Then someone else came round. Enjolras.....

Poor Joly had thought his friend had come to unkidnap him. Nope!

Elisabeth, what did Enjolras want?

*Elisabeth smirks*
I had fallen ill a few days prior, and coming from the hypochondriac family I do, was convinced I was going to die. I had one headache and I thought 'this is it, this is the end of my life.'

"You always were one for the dramatics," Amelie cuts in

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"You always were one for the dramatics," Amelie cuts in.

*Elisabeth shrugs.*
"Anyway, I don't remember much else, only that I was being half carried along the street by R and Enj towards your house.

When Jehan opened the door, and I saw Joly there in the background, I was rather confused.

When Jehan opened the door, and I saw Joly there in the background, I was rather confused

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He looked as if Enj was his saving grace.

Then Enj says, "I heard you kidnapped a doctor," and I just decided not to question it anymore.

I remember Joly complaining, and R picking me up, saying "more sick people for you mate" and then dumping me on a couch.
*how very gallant of him.*
I must remember to tease him about it."

"After that I only recall several days of blurry vision, cold sweats and lots of sleep. Occasionally I would wake up to Jehan bringing me tea and Joly supplying remedies. Sometimes Enjolras was there, but of course he has a revolution to plan so was usually absent in my waking hours. R was always there when I awoke, drinking away and looking melancholy. I spoke to him when I had the strength but I can't remember what I said."

And as soon as I could move, *narrows eyes at Amelie* I freed my brother from 'Parnasse.

*Amelie shrugs*
"I said sorry."

"I have to tell you," Elisabeth smiled, changing tone suddenly. "R and I have some good news for once."

"Good news? What is it?"

*Don't refrain to send in any requests to us! Enjolras has been getting lots of attention ;) but our other boys are getting away with not being gossiped about

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*Don't refrain to send in any requests to us! Enjolras has been getting lots of attention ;) but our other boys are getting away with not being gossiped about. Its utterly scandalous!"

And watch out for 'Parnasse if you do have a medical degree. He'll be coming for you next :)

 He'll be coming for you next :)

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