Snowball fight!!!

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The better part of the morning has passed and Amelie is feeling like a five year old child. Sneaking from hers and her boys own cabin, Amelie plays about in the snow, using the large snow pile gathered from digging Elisabeth's cabin out to make a snowman.

Jehan is walking in circles around the cabin trying to look for Amelie, before realising her coat is gone. He drags Parnasse outside to find Amelie finishing her second snowman. Exact copies of them two. The boys chuckle and wrap Amelie in a hug, startling her from staring at the snowman.

Amelie squeals and dissolves into fits of childish giggles, sinking into the hug. Picking up handfuls of snow, Amelie haphazardly throws them at Jehan and Parnasse. Within a few minutes all three of them are in a fully fledged snowball fight.

Running up to Elisabeth's cabin, Amelie knocks frantically on the door, trying to escape the onslaught of snowballs. Enjolras opens the door just as Jehan calls out to Amelie.

"Hey sunshine!" Amelie turns around and is just quick enough to duck the flying snowball heading for her

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"Hey sunshine!" Amelie turns around and is just quick enough to duck the flying snowball heading for her. The snowball hits home. 'Home' being Enjolras' face. Jehan lets out a squeak and hides behind Parnasse.

Enjolras stands in the doorway stunned for a few moments before breaking into a grin. Grabbing his own coat, he picks up and makes his own snowball before launching it at Parnasse.

About ten minutes after Enjolras joins in the snowball madness R and Elisabeth come out to investigate

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About ten minutes after Enjolras joins in the snowball madness R and Elisabeth come out to investigate.

Elisabeth ends up with a particularly badly aimed snowball from R hitting her. This ends with her tripping over her own feet and face planting the snow. R laughs at her and she knocks his feet out from under him. He topples down beside her and they build a snowy barricade, hiding behind and emerging to lob snowballs at the others.

 He topples down beside her and they build a snowy barricade, hiding behind and emerging to lob snowballs at the others

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