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*6 weeks later*

Elisabeth knocks on Amelie's door. Jehan opens it and smiles at her.
"Bonjour Elisabeth!"

She forces a smile back. "Bonjour Jehan. Is Amelie home?"

"No. I am afraid she is out with 'Parnasse at the moment."

"Oh. Ok, no worries I'll come back later."

Jehan notices the inflection of worry in Beth's voice and frowns.
"Are you alright?"

Elisabeth swallows hard, nodding.

"What's the matter, Elisabeth?"

She begins to back away from him.
"Don't worry about it. Honestly, it's not your problem to deal with... or Amelie's. I just wanted to talk, you know?"

He moves out of the door frame and gestures for her to come inside.
"You can talk with me."

She hesitates

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She hesitates. "Are you sure?"

"I insist. Come inside and I'll make you tea whilst you tell me all about it."
She hugs him. He is taken aback but quickly holds her back.

"Thank you," she murmurs, before breaking away and hurrying past him into the house.


"Jehan, I do not know what is wrong with me," she says, sitting at the table. He places her tea in front of her and she smiles weakly in gratitude. He sits across from her with his own mug and looks at her in concern.

"What do you mean? You are ill?"

"Nothing serious... I don't think. I know it's not the plague and it's not tuberculosis so I think I'm ok. I'm just worried. God, I'm probably just overthinking everything aren't I?"

She takes a self conscious sip of her tea. He reaches over to hold her hand encouragingly.
"What are your symptoms Beth? I may not be from a doctor's background like you but I know some things."

Elisabeth hesitates.
"Well... I wake up feeling nauseous most days. It comes and goes throughout the day alongside these horrible headaches and dizziness I get. I have a headache developing now actually," she adds, rubbing her temples.

"Would you like me to make you a remedy?" Jehan offers.

"No it's fine thank you. Like I said, it will come and go. Hopefully."

He notices her breathing a little too deeply.
"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just so hot in here."
Jehan furrows his brow in confusion. The house was very cool, colder than it had been in months due to a burst of rather relentless showers earlier that week.
"May I open a window, Jehan? If it's not too much trouble."
Only then does she notice his confusion.
"Alas, it is just me again isn't it? Damn these hot flushes. R mocks me for them."

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