Red and Black in the ABC Café

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"Hello, Amelie." Elisabeth sits across the table from her with a bottle of wine.

Close by, the amis have been planning something or other.

"'The Red and Black' fiasco happened again this evening," Elisabeth takes a swig of her wine

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"'The Red and Black' fiasco happened again this evening," Elisabeth takes a swig of her wine. "By the sounds of it Enjolras was more successful in his war plans than any plans for love Marius had."

Marius comes out of the next room looking rather distressed.

"What's wrong Marius?" Elisabeth calls.

Whilst Elisabeth is distracted, Amelie tries successfully to steal her bottle of wine and proceeds to hide it from her...

Whilst Elisabeth is distracted, Amelie tries successfully to steal her bottle of wine and proceeds to hide it from her

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He responds, and runs away yelling about his lonely soul. Elisabeth gives Amelie the look.
"He'll be fine. Cosette will comfort him."

Moments later Enjolras exits the room too, although he instead looks rather smug.
"I think I've shown Marius what matters more than his heart now."

"After all, our little lives don't count at all

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"After all, our little lives don't count at all." He adds contemplatively. Elisabeth smiles at him, used to the endless talk of revolution.

"I have a request for you, Enj. enjolras_marius asked for a kiss or something..."

Elisabeth stares him down until his face softens again. He shrugs.
"They may kiss me on the cheek in the name of Patria."

*Grantaire suddenly appears next to Enj, Amelie jumps. Elisabeth is again used to his random materialisation. *

"May I kiss you in the name of Patria, then?" He says.

"Grantaire, you do not believe in Patria. So your kiss would be void. No," Enjolras snaps, stomping off.

Grantaire slumps into a nearby chair and mopes

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Grantaire slumps into a nearby chair and mopes.

"He shouldn't be so cruel to R," Elisabeth grumbles. "He said that his only mistress was Patria... he's in love with france." She sighs. "There's so much mutual pining in my house I'm going to have to open a window. It's suffocating the air."

"Poetic," R mutters. "So Apollo wants to make love to France now."

He cheers up with this amusing thought

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He cheers up with this amusing thought. Elisabeth laughs. She speaks now so only Amelie can hear her.

"Our house is chaotic with tension, really. Sometimes I catch R staring at Enj, sometimes it's me. And no matter when I look at Enj he's staring at a wall map of Patria."

Amelie cuts in. "And who do you stare at then?"

"Sometimes Enj, but only in disbelief. The man never sleeps, I swear it. He always catches me if I'm looking at him anyway." Elisabeth takes another large swig of wine. (Amelie is terrified about how the new bottle got there) "It's much easier to look at R, he usually doesn't notice."

"And when he does?" Amelie smirks.

"And when he does?" Amelie smirks

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Elisabeth blushes. "Shut up. It's not my fault he's pretty."

Amelie breaks out into laughter (a rare occurrence) but then shuts up, knowing full well the consequences of being caught whilst staring at Jehan....she then proceeds to start scribbling more writing down in her notebook that has appeared. (A poem about Elisabeth and R ;))

Ahhhh feelings......we are still happy to gossip. Anything you want to know? The boys and their Amis have plenty of antics that they cause. And leave me (or both of us to sort out the chaos).

~ Amelie

And remember: France before pants!

*Elisabeth bats Enj away.*

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