L'anniversaire d'Elisabeth

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*Elisabeth wakes up to an eerily quiet house. She cannot find Enjolras or R anywhere on the upper floor of their house.*

"Enjolras? Grantaire?" She calls, making her way downstairs. Frowning, she ambles into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

Elisabeth jumps out of her skin as R leaps from behind the kitchen counter.
She takes a moment to regain her composure, a hand on her chest.
Enjolras slowly appears from where he was also hidden behind the kitchen counter.
"My apologies, Beth. Grantaire made me hide." Elisabeth can see that he is suppressing a smile.

" Elisabeth can see that he is suppressing a smile

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She runs a hand through her hair and laughs.
"I thought you'd forgotten."
"How could we forget your 23rd birthday? It's a very important one." R grins at her.
"It is?"
"Yes, ma chérie," R walks over to her and puts his hands over her eyes.
"Relax," he laughs. "Let me guide you."

*R guides her into the living room, Enjolras following behind

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*R guides her into the living room, Enjolras following behind.*

"And ta da!" He takes his hands off of her eyes and she gasps.
On the table in front of her is a brilliant portrait of the three of them.
"Oh my goodness," she hurries over to it. "Did you do this, R? Oh my, Enj have you seen this? It's amazing!"
"It is very good Grantaire," Enjolras agrees.
R blushes at the compliments.

Enjolras smiles at them.
"I fear that you will be rather dissatisfied with my gift now," he says quietly, producing something from his jacket.
A beautiful leather bound notebook.
"I know that you like to write," Enj continues. "And I hoped that you could write in here. I can get you another one if you run out of room."
Elisabeth throws her arms around his neck and feels him tense, then relax. It seemed he was still getting used to that.
"Thank you, Enj, I love it," she mutters into his ear. She kisses him on the cheek and he blushes as she breaks away.
"Perhaps you can write poetry about us in there." R winks, and Elisabeth vows that he shouldn't be allowed to see anything she writes on its pages, lest he never stop teasing her.

"We should get ready," Enj says matter of factly.
"For what?"
"No 23rd birthday is complete without a party!" R laughs.

*A few hours later.*

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