Seven minutes in heaven/hell

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*Elisabeth wakes the next morning to find herself in Enjolras' arms. Looking around, she sees that they are the only ones in the room. R has disappeared. She carefully disentangles herself from Enjolras, blowing blond curls out of her face, and leaves him to sleep.*

"R?" she calls, making her way downstairs.
"Where on earth is he?" She mutters to herself.
She enters the living room and finds him sprawled out on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling.
"R? Are you alright?"
He turns his head to look at her and smiles weakly. God, he looked tired.
"I did not sleep a wink, last night, after Apollo came in," he explains, as if reading her mind. "It just... it felt so strange for the three of us to all be together like that."

Elisabeth moves his legs and sits down, sighing

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Elisabeth moves his legs and sits down, sighing.
"I must confess I rather enjoyed having both of you in my company, it seems like Enj is coming round more to the idea of how much he is loved, bit by bit."
"He was drunk," R protests.
"And yet he was entirely sober when he said he loved us, Grantaire."
R looks away, defeated.
"Give him time," Elisabeth continues. "It has not been in his habits to show such obvious affection in the past. These things must develop... with trust."
"I hope you're right," R says.
She kisses him on the cheek and laughs.
"I am always right."

*There is a knocking on the door.
They open it to find Courf standing there, with Gavroche on his shoulders.*

"It's game day!" Gav shouts. Courf chuckles.
Enjolras has just come downstairs. He hears this, mutters "oh no," and then attempts to slink away.
"Enjolras!" Courf cries. "It's your favourite day of the month!"

"I do not enjoy these strange games, Courfeyrac," Enj sighs

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"I do not enjoy these strange games, Courfeyrac," Enj sighs.
"Well, tough luck!" Courf winks at Elisabeth and R narrows his eyes at him. "We're playing seven minutes in heaven today! See you later! Don't be late!" He strides off without waiting for a response.
"Oh god," Elisabeth mumbles. R chuckles.

*Later, they arrive at the café. Elisabeth moves over to sit with Amelie and Parnasse, and R goes to Joly and Lesgle. Enjolras lingers awkwardly by the door with a very uncomfortable looking Jehan.*

Courf clears his throat dramatically. Across the room, 'Ferre smirks at him.

 Across the room, 'Ferre smirks at him

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