Chapter 2

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Shawn Carter,

I walked in the house to see Beyoncé sitting at the island eating some lunch the girls had brought over. Ever since we moved, the girls come pretty often. Meg, more than them, only because she literally lives around the corner from the house.

"Wassup ladies!" I spoke.

"Hey Shawn!" They smiled.

"Wassup, nephew." I spoke to Lauren and Ermias' youngest son, Kross.

He's three and definitely her twin. Her oldest son, EJ, came running around the corner as well. Not a day goes by that I don't think about what our child would look like when I look at them.

They came and hugged me, then ran off.

Nicki and Meek's beautiful daughter, Milan came running around the corner to jump in my arms. I cherish her a lot only because she reminds me a lot of Shai when she was four.

Every time I see them, If just makes me think about how big my boys would be right now. God knows that was one of the hardest moments of my life. It's crazy, but I took it harder than when I lost my Mother. At least that's what I allowed my depression to do to me.

"Wassup, baby?" Beyoncé spoke.

I kissed her lips.

"Nothing. Dria is getting the girls today. So they're going to call me in a few." I said. "I figured you'd wanna talk to them."

"Yeah, you know I do."


Over the past five years, it's simply been a lot to handle as far as making the right or best decisions for myself, my wife or my daughters. For the last three months, Lori and I have been back on speaking terms as far as us having relationship. If anything, it's been texting back and forth for the past five years. I let her know what was going on that caused me to leave without going into much detail.

I haven't been back to Los Angeles since I left believe it or not. And sadly, I haven't physically seen Shai and Suri since then either. That was five years ago.

Our relationship completely fell apart when I decided to mess around with Game. I just wanted my family to be safe and I wanted the harassment to stop. As if not being able to see them at the time was enough, this situation of being scared to go back not only put me in danger but my girls too. I was working towards the court dates, but then everything with Beyoncé and the babies happened and my depression got worse again.

I knew I needed to be in my right state of mind if I was going to fight for them. Now I finally am after years of medication and therapy.

Lori has allowed me to FaceTime them and let Dria pick them up, but it's not the same. Things will never been the same. Shai is 11 now and out of the fifty million videos and pictures I've seen of her, she's more beautiful and grown than ever. I think she looks more and more like me everything. And then Suri, she hardly knows me. She knows I'm her father, but she's never really met me to see who I am physically.

My MacBook began to ring on the counter. It was calling from Dria's phone. I immediately pressed answer.

"Hello." I answered.


"Hey Uncle Shawn." Bentley popped in front of the camera.

" Bentley popped in front of the camera

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