Chapter 18

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I put my hair in a messy bun after taking my four month photos in my large wall mirror. It seems that the more days that go by without me telling anyone, the larger I get in. I'm really excited to be showing with a little under a months progress.

Since I'm pretty much out of the miscarriage stage, I think I'm ready to finally tell Shawn and then possibly tell our families. Shawn has still been in LA since I left. I've been going to see him if need be, but we've been apart more than we've been together.

Thankfully, he's coming home today after being gone for a over a month so I'm excited to finally tell him.

Until he gets here later on tonight, I decided to plan a date out with my sister-in-laws, Sabrina and Chrissy and my the girls. We haven't had a full girls day in a long time, so we're having lunch.

I left the house and met them at the restaurant we decided on.

"So how's life with you all?" I had asked Sabrina and Chrissy.

"Life's great over here." Chrissy, Jacion's wife, grinned. "I can't complain a bit."

"Yeah, it's good," Sabrina, Mikall's fiancée.

"Is everything still going with the wedding?" I asked her.

"Yeah. We're planning and talking about it every day. He's more excited than I am, which is weird to me, but I'm not complaining." She said.

"Well, that's good. I really can't wait. I know it will be beautiful." I said. "I think I saw your dress on Instagram."

"The one my Mom posted?"


"Yeah, that's it. Mikall wasn't supposed to see me, but he did and he loved it and I loved it, so that's all that matters."

"Yep, absolutely." I told her.

"How's your son doing?"

"Zaiden is great. He's gonna be spending a lot of time with his Dad for the summer, so I'm still getting used to him not being around as much. MJ is too."

"Awww, I'm sure. Where's his Dad staying?"

"New Jersey." She said.

"Oh yeah." I nodded. "That's definitely something to adjust to."

"Yeah, but he's enjoying his time. They're always doing something, so if he's having fun, I'm good."

"Hey, that's all that matters."

"Right." She added, just as our food arrived.

Sabrina and Chrissy have been welcomed into the family with open arms. We've been able to build this bond as sisters and I've been able to really enjoy this love of being a real aunt to their kids. I'm just happy our family is continuing to grow in amazing numbers.

"Why you not eating, babe?" Nicki asked. "You been picking since it got here? Not good?"

"No, it's good. I'm honestly not feeling it anymore."

"I'mma get a take-out box. Y'all take your time."


"So when is Shawn coming back? He's been gone for a while hasn't he?" Chrissy asked.

"Yeah, he's hasn't been here in Houston in a little over a month. He's finally coming home tonight." I nodded.

"How's it going with him and his daughters?"

"It's going well. Everything is slowly getting back to where it was. We're just having patience cause like anything else that involves children, patience is key. He's taking it one day at a time."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now