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7 years later,

"Shawn," I heard my jail guard, Mike, say. "Here's some mail for you. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation."

I grabbed the huge stack of mail that was rubberbanded together. I know most if not all of the envelopes were from Shai. Over the past seven years, I have received over 500 letters from Shai alone.

I've read each and everyone of them down to her signature at the bottom. It's crazy because I feel like I've been able to watch her grow. She not only tells me about her days or weeks, she sends me photos to go along with it. Rather is like a selfie of her and picture of her with friends, she sends it. I enjoy every moment of it.

She's grown into a beautiful young lady and I've honestly missed out on some of her biggest moments. I never got the chance to give a nigga that talk for dating my daughter. I never got to get her ready for prom. And now I won't be able to see her graduate, but I'm sure I will get plenty of pictures like always.

Corey is 25 now. He comes to see me more often than none. Before I went to jail, I knew the the trust fund I set up would have him set for life. He's now running one of the biggest black owned fashion lines in the game. It's what he wanted and I made sure that happened.

Suri is 12 and just as grown as ever. She's in middle school and looking just her mother now. From my understanding, she's been enjoying basketball and cheerleading. I get those photos. She doesn't send me too many letters or photos like Shai does, but I do get a few.

Khyson, on the other hand, is another Bentley. He is wild and just as big as I was when I was 7. That boy is just bad.

One of his recent scandal is his mother getting his end of the year school pictures back and this boy was mean mugging in one and had his tongue out in the other. Not to mention his Mama paid for the damn pictures so you get what you pay for regardless of what you want with him. Bey doesn't bring him to see me too often either, but I see him a little when Dria brings him.

But back to my baby girl, Shai.

As I said, she tells me everything so, I know about everything going on in her life

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As I said, she tells me everything so, I know about everything going on in her life. Right now, she's getting ready to graduate in a week. She's been telling me about the fees and what she needed to get ready after high school. One thing I let her know was that I set up to where she didn't have to go to college after graduating just like her brother did. If she wants to, so be it, but it's not being forced on her. I want her to be happy.

I opened the envelope from Shai and it read:

Hey Daddy,

Rough week. Honestly. But I'm good and happy to finally graduate in a couple weeks. Fees are paid. Grades are all A's. But I got a surprise for you behind this envelope. Read it now before reading the rest of this note.

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now