Chapter 38

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        This past month has been the best month of my life. I've been able to raise my four kids in one house with the help of Beyoncé and I honestly wouldn't want it any other way. I'd be lying if I said wasn't pulling to get my wife back. I know she gave me the ring, but this month of having them all with me together showed me what I needed in my life.

It's been nothing short of amazing.

Too bad my court date that could change me and my family's entire lives is in three days. I completely regret what I did now that I've been able to see my life in this moment.

"Hey Corey, you wanna hand me your brother's towel right beside you?" I heard Bey ask from the living room.

"Yep." He said getting up to hand it to her.

"Thank you."

"Mhmm." He said getting on his knees beside her, kissing his head as she breast fed him.

I didn't want to miss anymore moments like that.

From now until the hearing, I wanted to speak to each of my kids alone to talk to them about what could possibly happen. I want the conversation to be moreso with Shai more than anyone.

"Aye boy, let me talk to you for a minute." I told him.

He stood up and followed me outside.

He stood up and followed me outside

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"Wassup, Dad?" He spoke.

"I just wanted to sit down and talk to you about the court situation coming and what could possibly happen." I told him.

"I know. My mom told me."

"That's fine, but I still feel like I should talk to you myself considering I'm the one that might be leaving for a while." I told him.

He nodded, "Okay, what do you wanna talk about?"

"The possibility of me being in prison for 10 to 22 years." I told him.

"That's how long you'll be gone?" He asked, eye bulging out of his head.

"Yeah, if convicted."

"I thought it was self-defense?"

"I don't know if the term was self-defense. He wasn't putting me in any danger. I was just angry at what I saw and what he has been doing for years. A nigga like that don't deserve to live in my book, but he broke into my house, so I don't know. I can scream self-defense all day, but we're in the red state of Texas where judges don't give a fuck about black males regardless of the situation."

He nodded, "Did you tell the judge that?"

"I will get the chance at the hearing. They don't have a choice but to hear me out,"

"That's crazy, though," He said.

"I know. Now I gotta talk to your sisters, but mainly Shai cause at the end of the day, I might be leaving for protecting her and I need her to know why I did what I did." I said. "Along with that, I need you to promise me you'll be there to protect her and watch out for her no matter what happens."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now