Chapter 13

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Shawn Carter,

I've been here in LA for a week and no Beyoncé.

Ever since the yacht incident, I've been the only one to call out to her. If we talk, she's never sounds like she wants to speak. I've expressed to her how much I love her and that I haven't been around Lori since then unless it was to quickly pick up or drop off the girls.

She says she believes me, but it's the tone of her voices that makes me not want to.

But onto other things important, me and the girls have had more alone time and I think Shai is coming around. She's had a couple episodes, but it's just something she's gonna have to live with and something me, as a parent, is gonna have to deal and cope with as well.

The three of us have shopped, went to the movies, been to the beach, had our own little sleep overs and more. I've enjoyed every moment of it. Today, they are with their mother, so it's just me and the guys here. They joined me a couple days ago after everything went down with me and Bey, considering their wives probably told them.

"What the FUCK!" Meek yelled tossing the controller on the table after Bentley shot a buzzer beater over him.

We busted out laughing.

"That's why I stopped playing that nigga."

"I blew a fucking twelve point lead, bro." Meek added.

We just laughed.

"He don't stop." I said.

"Anyway, wassup with you and Bey, bro. Y'all talking?" He asked crossing his arms behind his head. "We just tryna be good brothers and be there for you both. We know y'all been through a lot and we know how Lori can be."

"Yeah, that girl Lori wishy washy." Bentley said coming around the island where I was.

They busted out laughing, I shook my head grinning.

"Whatchu know, boy?" I asked.

"She really is, but she rude too cause she was laughing about how you and BB lost the twins. She said she the only person that can give you two kids." He said.

"When she said that?"

"When you lost the twins years ago. She was laughing bout it cause I remember my Mama cussing her out over the phone." He said. "Her cousin had said it on Instagram or something and Lori liked the post and commenting them laughing emoji things. She deleted it right after, but my Mama saw it and cussed her out."

"Damn, that's out of pocket." Meek said.

"It don't surprise me none though cause I saw where they was talking bout it. I just didn't know Lori has entertained it." I shrugged. "They live for that type of drama and attention though."

I began to get a FaceTime call from my laptop. It was Beyoncé, to my surprise. Bentley quickly pressed answer.

"HEY AUNTIEEEEEEEE." He yelled through the screen.

"Nigga, take yo ass in the back room and play the game and sum. Damn.."

Bey laughed.

"I just wanted to tell BB hey."

"Okay, well tell her. Don't yell at her."

"Hey Bey Beyyyyyy." He dragged.

"Hey Bentley. How are you?" She asked.

"Good." He said.

"That's good." She said.

"Aight, man. Move. She ain't call to talk to you, bye." I said pushing him out the frame.

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now