Chapter 24

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When Beyoncé told me that, I literally felt sick to my stomach. I just knew I did not want to feel that pain and feeling of knowing our baby was gone. I didn't even know how to ask her any questions as to why she felt the need to call the doctor.

I wanted to console her in any way I could.

Dr. James had arrived about ten minutes later. She came in and locked the door.

"Everything alright?" She asked. "She just told me come over and bring my stuff."

"I don't know. I haven't asked any questions." I told her.

"Okay. Bey, come on. Let's check you with an ultrasound to see if we see anything." She said setting everything up quickly.

Beyoncé sat on the bed, then pulled her shirt up.

"So you wanna tell me what's up? Obviously you feel something may be wrong with the baby." She said squirting the goo on the end of the wand.

I crawled on the bed, then grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Um...I don't know. Like all day, I've just been having a weird feeling and then like....he's not moving." She said. "Or maybe I should say he hasn't moved today. Last night, he was going crazy, but today I literally have not felt the first movement. I even tried to kinda push my stomach a little bit. Usually that makes him do something, but....nothing today. Like at all."

"Okay." She said. "I just want you to calm down and breathe cause it can be normal. Let me just go ahead and do the ultrasound so I can assess anything that may make us have to rush you to the hospital or something."

"Ok." She squeezed my hand tighter, while throwing her head back with her eyes closed. Just as she opened her eyes, tears rolled down her face. "Babe, will you go get my Mom please. I really don't even care who finds out at this point. Please!"

"Yeah, I will. You gotta calm down, baby." I said moving off the bed. "Y'all go ahead. Let me go find her cause I don't want to alarm anyone. We can still do this if everything's good. When everything's good." I corrected myself.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Mrs. Tina was standing with the girls.

"Hey, Mrs. Tina, can I talk to you in private really quick?"

"Yeah." She nodded, placing her plate down. "What's wrong?"

I motioned for her to followed me upstairs quickly. She was right on my heels so I think she could tell something is going on. I stopped at the door.

"So long story short, Bey felt something was wrong with the baby, so she called her gynecologist. She wanted me to come get you."

"Okay." She nodded before walking in.

Mama Tina walked around to her beside and wiped her tears. I closed the door and locked it behind me.

"Everything seems fine to me, babe." She said.

I didn't even realize the heartbeat was blaring out the speakers of the machine.

"Baby is here." She pointed out. "I don't see anything to be worried about from what I can see. I just think it's just have a quiet day for him. The heartbeat is great actually!"

"Okay." She said in a relieved voice.

"Have you been busy lately? As in, moving? Working and walking a lot? You know?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "A lot actually."

"Well, that's probably why you had the little scare. You're body has probably moved so much that you don't really feel the baby's movements too much. He moving in there. I promise. That's normal. I know the scare is probably because of what happened last time as well, so no worries. I'm glad you called and I'm glad I came to find out you and the baby are okay."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now