Chapter 12

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Shawn Carter,

"I have a loaded omelette with bacon and toast on the side for Bentley." My chef, James, said.

He rolled out a cart full of food for everyone. Dria and my family along with Lori and hers had joined us on the yacht. It was going on about 10:15 PM. I figured we'd all enjoy some breakfast and just hang out as a unit.

"That's mine." Bentley said grabbing it. "Thank you!"

"Damn son, you ordered all that?" Dria asked.

"Yep." He said taking no time to dig in.

We all laughed.

James sat the platters of food on the tables in a buffet style. He then brought plates and silverware.

"There's a lot more food in the back so eat what you'd like. Let me know if you need anything extra like condiments or napkins." He said.

"Thank you." Everyone replied.

"Thanks man." I said.

"Yep, no problem." He said heading back into the kitchen area.

Everyone gathered around the table joining hands before grabbing plates. Mr. Harvey did the honors of saying the blessing. After, we all completely dug in to the buffet line of endless types of breakfast foods.

"Daddy, I want some more bacon." Suri said bringing me her plate.

I put my plate to the side. I handed it back to her once I gave her a couple more pieces.

"Me too, Uncle Jay." Lori's nephew, Bryce, said holding his plate out.

"You want some bacon, too?"

"Mhmm." He nodded.

I gave him a couple pieces and he ran back. Just as I was going to sit back down, my phone dinged. Lori, who had been sitting next to me, looked down at it.

"Who that?" I grabbed it.

"Your wife."

"Daddy, I wanna talk to your wife." Suri said grabbing my arm.

"Hold on, let me see what she said," I took a seat. "Hold on."

I opened the text message. I read:

"Hold on

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"Hold on." I placed my plate down, then walked over to the railing of the yacht to FaceTime her.

I don't know why I felt a little nervous calling her. It didn't feel like a regular phone call cause the text message had exclamations points and hearts. That scares me. She doesn't text like that.

She answered looking sexy as ever with no makeup on.

"Hey baby, wassup?"

"Nothing, um...I didn't mean to interrupt your day. I need to talk you a minute though."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now