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To be continued....

A car pulled up honking. As soon as I saw the driver, my heart completely dropped in my ass. The back door opened and there ran my daughter, Laila, came running towards me.

"MOMMYYYYY." She screamed coming towards me.

"Hi, baby. What are you doing here?"

"Daddy said we were gonna come and surprise Shai," She grinned.

"Oh, okay." I said with a nervous smile.

I watched her father give Shai her gift. She hopped off the top of her car and hugged him. After sharing some words, he began to approach me. He gave Shawn a confused look.

"Hey Shawn," He spoke. "I've heard a lot about you. Didn't know you would be here. Nice to finally meet you."

"Uh yeah, who are you? I'm sorry,"

"I'm Omari. Beyoncé's fiancé. This is our daughter Laila."


The whole time I was confused because Beyoncé hadn't said a word and then this lightskin nigga just approached me like he knew me. He had his hand out for me to shake it, but I wasn't going for it.

I left the two of them to go spend time with my daughter. At the end of the day, I didn't come here for that. That shit could have waited.

"You like your car, baby girl?"

"Yeah, I love it. Thank you, Daddy." She hugged me again. "Oh, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. Come on, let's take it for a test spin. Let me see if you can drive."

"Dad, I've been driving since I was 14. I can drive."

"Your Mama told me you was hitting curbs and shit." I told her while getting in the passenger seat. I heard some of them laughing. "Huh? You hitting curbs?"

"I mean when I first started, yeah, but I can drive now, Dad. Trust me. Buckle up."

"Why I gotta buckle up? See! I knew you couldn't drive. That's all you had to say." I joked.

"Dad, I'm serious." She cranked it and put it in drive, then she pulled off, "Where should we go?"

"I don't know." I said pressing the GPS button. "I could eat me some ice cream. Let's find something."

"Okay." She said.

"So tell me about Beyoncé and this little fiancé and little girl he just brought. That's his daughter I'm guessing." I told her.

She acted like she didn't want to speak.

"I don't know if that's my business to even tell, Dad. I'm sorry,"

"Nah, you can tell me cause somebody has to."

"I know, but I don't think I should be that person." She said.

"Okay, well how long has he been around?"

"He's been around." She said without going into detail.

"Where the little girl come from?"

"What do you mean, Dad?" She asked. "She's Beyoncé's little girl."

"She gave birth to her?" I asked.

"Okay." She gave in. "Yes. She's like four. Her dad is Omari and he's been around for like four years at least. I didn't meet him right away, but from my understanding they met at Beyoncé's office for business related purposes. Then that's when they kind of hit it off."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now