Chapter 30

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"I'm listening."

"Okay. Don't interrupt me. Let me say everything I need to say."

"Okay, go." I said getting inpatient.

She sighed again.

"First, I just want to apologize and say that I was untruthful about the child you impregnated me with when I was 16." She said. "I told you that I moved back home after getting the abortion I supposedly had gotten, but the truth is I moved back to have the baby and give my grandmother full custody of him."

I'm so over my life right now.

I literally didn't have shit to say. I honestly couldn't even look at her. I felt mad. Upset. Betrayed. Hurt. Everything in that moment.

For the first time in almost a year, I've felt that depressed feeling. It's crazy how I still know that feels like even when I haven't experienced it in years.

"Do what?" I asked trying to make sure what I heard wasn't a dream. "What'd you say?"

"I'm so sorry." She sniffed, wiping her teary-eyes face. "I don't have an excuse, but I was just going through so much shit at the time. I didn't know how to tell you."

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT LAUREN!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. She broke down completely. "DAMN IT!"

The two of us probably sat there in tears for almost ten minutes.

I shook my head, laying my head back on the back of the sofa really trying to take all this shit in. That feeling was getting stronger and stronger. I really wanted to punch everything in sight.

"So what the hell has been going on since you left?"

She sniffed, "I went back home and had him. My parents got full custody of him. I still took care of him all the way until now."

"It's a boy?" I asked.

"Yes. It's a boy." She said.

"And you been taking care of him for how long?" I asked.

"Since all of us moved back to LA when we were in college." She said. "I've been taking care of him more so financially, but since I've been back, I see him almost every day now."

I was so fucking confused.

"So you seeing him every day while you got me out here not even knowing about my son?" I asked. "You fucking told me you got an abortion with a fucking straight face, Lauren."

"I know and I won't be able to say sorry enough." She said. "I just wanted you to know cause circumstances are having to change in the future with him and the custody situation."

"What's gonna change?"

"He wants me to get custody of him, so I am, but now I have to tell everyone that doesn't know about him before I do cause it was never my plan to tell anyone."

"That's selfish as fuck, Lauren." I shook my head. "SELFISH AS FUCK. You need to get the fuck out my fucking office like right fucking now cause I swear to God I'm about to go to fucking jail. I swear to God. Just go."

"Shawn, just he-."

"NO, GO!" I yelled. "GET THE FUCK OUT."

"Okay, but will you listen, please." She said.

"No, get the fuck out my office. Lauren, I swear to God I'mma knock the shit out of you if you don't leave." I stood up to tower over her. "Get the fuck out."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now