Chapter 34

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             I had just arrived in South Los Angeles with Dria. The boys stayed back in Houston with Ricky so she was able to tag along with me. I'm not going to lie. I'm kind of nervous to meet Corey, but his mother claims he knows what she did, so I'm going to fearfully trust her word and hope he understands that I just want to be a father to him.

"Hey baby." I answered through my car speaker.

"Hey. You made it?" She asked.

"Yeah. We're around the corner from Lauren's parents house." I told her. "You alright today?"

"Yeah. I'm good. Just had a small appointment. Everything is good."

"That's good. You need me to send you something?" I asked.

"No, I'm good. You be safe. Have fun. Keep me updated. Love you." She said.

"I will, baby. Love you more."



She hung up just as I was pulling into the yard. I parked behind the other cars, then we got out. My brothers, Grant and Malik were behind us as well. I'm glad my siblings are always there for me when I need them.

I rang the doorbell.

Lauren came and opened it.

"Hey." I spoke.

"Hey, y'all come on in."

Now I've never met Lauren's family, so all these people were new to me. She was really a quick fuck that end up pregnant with my baby.

"Hey, how y'all doing?" I spoke to everyone.

"Good." They said.

"Uh Mom, Dad. This is Shawn." Lauren gestured. "Everyone this is Shawn, Corey's, father. Shawn, these are my parents and more of my family."

"Hey, how are you?" Her mother spoke.

"I'm great, and you?"

"I'm great. Nice to finally meet you after so many years."

"Same to you." I told her.

Her Dad didn't say a word. It was just sorta of look and then back to what he was doing kind of gesture.

"Dad, we've been over this. Don't do that."

"Do what?" He asked standing up.

"Don't be rude. I'm in the middle making this situation right."

"Well, you're not together. So I don't need to get to know him like they do or want. If anything I know who he is, cause if he got you pregnant and you were scared to tell him because of his ways, then that says more about his character than yours. Not only that, he put his hands on you. Don't tell me how to fee, Lauren."

"Landry, please." Her mother spoke.

I chuckled.

"And I won't say anymore about it." He said making his way passed me. He stopped dead in front of me once he saw me grinning big. We had to be the same height. "What's so funny to you, boy?"

"Daddy, just go." Lauren said. "Just leave the house for a little while."

I chuckled, "I don't even know you, sir, and you obviously don't know me. I got three other kids I've been taking care of since birth. I would've took care of him had she told me."

"But you still haven't got rid of that hood mentality. I see the gun in your pants." He said.

"And?" I grinned.

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now