Chapter 20

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I sat in the lounge area of my Houston business watching the local news with the girls. Lunch was catered and sent by Shawn and it was fantastic. This was the first time I've even been able to eat to without turning my nose up or eating two bites because it didn't hit.

This week has been a productive week and with a lot going, I haven't been focused on anything pertaining the party this weekend. Lori and the girls fly in tomorrow. Shawn and I sent out invitations late Monday morning, not even a week before the actual event. It's just been a hell of a week. Thank God tomorrow is Friday.

"Hey B," Lauren called.

"Yeah?" I looked back at the crew, who was eating at the table.

"Where did Lori get her Birkins from?"

"Birkins? What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't know."

"I was just wondering. She posted a little selfie with like three different Birkins this week. I'm kinda jealous." She shrugged.

We laughed.

"Why you jealous?"

"Probably cause I told my own rich ass husband I wanted one, but he said you can't just buy Birkins. You have to have some type of membership with them in order to receive them. And I know she ain't got it like my man do. Just wondering if you knew."

"No, I don't. Shawn bought me some recently though."

"You think he would buy her some?"

"Hell no, he better not." I said. "One, I guess, but three, I'd kill him if he did that shit. She don't deserve shit from him."

"Period, and don't," Meg added. "Too bad he did buy them."

"How you know?" We said in unison.

"Cause I know how that bitch is, plus I know her gay cousin. He posted her on his story talking bout "baby daddy keeping my sis straight with the custom Birkins or something". I screenrecorded it. Let me find it!"

It's the way we all ran to hop on the sofa for me. We were all over her shoulder trying to see.

"Damn bitches. Hold on," She said. "Calm down."

"Sorry!" I said. "Megan, what is this 'B Files' in your camera roll?"

"It's shit that peep on Lori and her family's stories and posts that I screenshot or screen record and save to show you in case we need some evidence." She said, they laughed. "Just like fucking now. Here it is!"

She pressed play.

The video was of Lori fixing her hair in her mirror on the way out the door with the bag over her arm in the crook of her elbow.

"Uh uh, look at my cousin y'all." A feminine male gushed in the background. "With the custom Birkin from the baby daddy. Period sis! Make that nigga take care of you, too! Reparations, bitch!"

The video went off, then she locked the phone. The room was silent as we continued to exchange looks just as we heard Shawn's laugh coming around the corner.

We quickly disbursed just as he came around the corner, looking sexy as hell, might I add. I didn't know what to think of him after watching that, but he really did look good.

 I didn't know what to think of him after watching that, but he really did look good

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