Chapter 29

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"SHAWN AND BENTLEY PLEASE!" I heard Dria yell from the living room.

I walked in the room to see the two of them swimming in what was supposed to be my home birthing pool. I'm still trying to figure out how the hell they put water in it.

"Um...what the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Bey, we testing out your baby pool." Bentley said before diving under the three feet high water.

I shook my damn head. I looked at Shawn laying back in the side.

"Babe, what the hell are you doing!" I gestured.

"Relaxing in the hot tub." He said.

"Okay, well I'mma need you and your nephew to unrelax, get out and go dump that water out cause Dr. James is about to be over for my ultrasound. If y'all wanna go swimming, go get in the pool."

"Okay." They said.

It took the two of them about thirty minutes to do what I said. By that time, Dr. James was pulling into the front of the house.

"Baby, I meant to tell you that I'm paying Dr. James to come a little more during the weeks since it is right around that time or whatever. I just want to be able to catch whatever may happen before it happens if it does happen."

Shawn grabbed my hand, "Baby, it won't happen."

I nodded, kissing his lips long and hard.

We allowed Dr. James to come in and set up her equipment like always. Midway through, the girls were dropped off by Marjorie. They hating missing appointments for the baby.

"His head is really that big?" Bentley pointed.

"That's the screen making it seem that large, but it is pretty big considering he's soon to be here." Dr. James said.

"Is he breathing?" He asked.

"Yeah. That's his heartbeat you're hearing. It's a little fast today, but not too bad." She said.

"It's fast?" Shawn asked. "Why is that?"

"It's normal for the heart rate decrease and increase below normal. It is a little fast, but nothing to be concerned about."

We were still concerned. We don't want to take any chances right now.

"I can see the worry on your faces and that's okay. I can come back in a couple hours to check again to make sure it hasn't increased even more." She said writing down some info, "I wrote down the rate it is now. I don't see anything else concerning to me in this very moment."

"Okay, but you will come back later, right?"

"Yes." She nodded. "If you haven't already, it's time to really start settling down and taking care of yourself and body as far what you do and what you eat. I'm happy that you want me here more cause I definitely want to be here if something were to happen to see we can make sure we catch it before it worsens. Um...I'm encouraging a lot of rest from here on out. I always wondered if the constant work stress and moving is what may have contributed to last time's issues. I think you should settle down, take it day by day and really focus on your body and your health because what's yours and his."

"Right." I nodded.

"Is there anything you have coming up that could prevent you from being able to do that?"

"No." Shawn interrupted, we laughed,

"Uh no, but we're are planning on moving into our new home in about a week. So that's the only real issue that would cause me to be moving a lot."

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now