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Just a PSA announcement for SOME y'all:

1. Don't tell what I need make happen with my book.
2. And if you gone leave, leave.

I left y'all with a cliffhanger saying she's borderline miscarriage and going full term. Meaning both ways can occur.

Did I say she had a miscarriage?


I didn't, but SPOILER ALERT, she will NOT have a miscarriage.

Sorry to the people that know how to keep reading. That's the purpose of a cliffhanger. To keep you wanting to read the next chapter.

It'll be different if the comments were directed towards B in the book, but they were directed towards me, the author, in a rude way.

Oh yeah....please don't threaten to stop reading my books cause at the end of the day, you're one reader I lost. Let's grow and up and do better! Y'all have read my books enough to know that cliffhangers are my thing.

If it was one of y'all, I probably would have contacted you directly, but no, it was about THREE of y'all. Don't do that, cause I will block you. I don't care how long you've been reading my books and trust me, I'm familiar with a lot of y'alls names by now.

I tell y'all all the time, my stories are prewritten before publishing cause it overwhelming for me to rush chapters when y'all ask for one.

This book is not done, but I have my chapters written and ready to go when I feel like publishing them. I take a lot of time out of my day to write all while juggling work and classes and other things.

I'm sorry some of you find this offensive and if you do, it's probably because I'm talking to you.

Just please be appreciative of the author's that write the books you love to read cause we have lives outside of this. We don't get paid for this!

It's literally for our and your enjoyment!

Y'all have a great day! ✌🏾

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