Chapter 36

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The thought of them doctors doing a rape kit on Shai made me completely sick to my stomach. I don't think I could feel any worse considering the circumstances of what happened a couple hours ago. I have never felt this lost and empty in my life. The feeling was worse that what I felt when my mother passed away.

I have been sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, eye bloodshot red, for about six hours now. I have not slept.

After I killed Donavon's I left everyone there, called the cops and brought Shai here. I had to get her some help cause this nigga really broke into my house to see my daughter and rape her for what may have been the hundredth time.

I'll admit, I shouldn't have killed him, but I don't regret it. Whatever happens from here, I deserve it. I knew I would end up killing somebody for whoever was touching my daughter, but he got what he asked for and I don't care what anyone else has to say.

I began to snap out of my thoughts as the sight of Lori's family and mine coming into the waiting room.

"Shawn, are you alright, honey?" Marjorie asked.

I sighed deeply, "I'mma be honest, Ma, I'm not. I just want my daughter to be okay physically and mentally, but I know that's not happening any time soon."

"What the hell is going on?" She asked. "Lori is back there with her right?"

"Yeah, her and Dria."

"She just told us people were shot and killed. Apparently this was hours ago and y'all have been here for a while."

"Yeah, they must be done with Shai. A lot has went down in the past couple of hours." I told her.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get an update." She said before walking to the counter.

I continued to dismiss calls and text that were coming through my phone. It was hanging onto 1%. Once it powered off, I tossed it in the charge beside me and stood up to stretch my body.

"Shawn, who was killed?" Mr. Harvey asked.

"Donavon." I admitted.

"For what?" He asked. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it sir,"

"Shawn, listen to me." He grabbed my face. "Listen to me. I don't care what type of issues we had before now. Something happened between you and Donavon to have you here. Lori told me you got involved and killed him. What happened so I can help you, son?"

I began to shaking my head as tears rolled down my face for the fifth time tonight. He held my face firm to keep my attention on him.

"He's been touching my daughter for the past four years."

Gasped and horrible looks filled the room. The whole time I was trying not to break down again.

"He broke into my house with my family there and tried to do it again with his other three sons. Once I got passed them, I found him downstairs with daughter unclothed and tied up. I told him I wouldn't kill him if he told me the truth. He told me he's been doing this to her for over four years. I emptied the gun on him. All nine bullets."

He pulled me into the deepest man hug. I would be lying if I said I didn't need it. The room was full of sniffs and tears as if someone they knew and cared about had died.

The front of the hospital caught my attention when I saw Beyoncé come in with Mama Tina, her siblings, Ricky and Bentley.

"Baby, what are you doing here?" I approached her quickly.

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now