Chapter 9

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Shawn Carter,

I pushed the front doors opened of the house. I had just gotten back from the my office and Lord knows, after the long day we had, I'm just wanna chill with my wife before I head back to LA to be with the girls.

"Hey baby." I spoke, she was sitting in the corner of the sectional looking at her laptop. "Wassup?"

"Nothing much, how was your day?"

"Busy." I groaned, crawling in between her legs. "How was yours?"

"I didn't go in today like I said I would, but sales have been great and steady all this week so I can't complain." She said.

"That's good." I told her. "You aight? You said you was going to work today."

"I know, but yeah, I'm okay." She said softly.

That didn't sound too certain, but I didn't wanna question it.

She had closed her laptop and placed it on the coffee table. I did the same with my phone, just to start kissing under her neck slowly.

"Uh uh, baby. No." She moaned.

I slid my hands up her shirt and bra, taking both breast into my hands. I continued with my neck kisses, slowly making my way to the other side.

"Stop baby. Stop." She said grabbing my arms, pulling them down. "Quit Shawn. I'm not playing, baby. Stop."

I stopped, then stared into her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not in the mood, baby, honestly." She said. "Watch out."

I moved off of her without arguing. She then stood up, grabbed her phone and walked upstairs to the room. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I just gave her some space.

I grabbed my PS4 controller and began playing 2k.


After playing two games, I had gotten tired. I, then realized how I needed to head upstairs and finish the packing I started last night. Over the past couple hours, Solange had came over. I didn't see her come back down, so I'm guessing she was still in the room with Bey.

I knocked on the bedroom door, "Hey, y'all good in here." I opened the door a little wider.

"Yeah, come in." I heard B say.

"Wassup, Solo?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Wassup?"

"Same here. You ain't have to do that, baby." I told her as I saw her packing up my clothes up. "You kicking me out now. Whatchu doing?"

"No," She smirked. "I didn't even put anything in it. I just felt like organizing it while I was talking to my sister. I can pack it if you need me to though."

"Nah, it's okay. I got it." I said walking into the closet. "Y'all good up here? Normally it's you and the others girls too. Wassup?"

"Nothing, we're good, baby," She said.


"Yeah." I heard her say.

I left it alone at the very moment. I knew it was probably something up considering she was just talking to her sister and not all the girls like usual, but it is whatever. Hopefully, it's nothing too serious.

After packing my bags up, I took them downstairs, where Solange and Bey both had moved by the time I got done. They were sitting at the island talking.

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now