Chapter 26

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I smiled watching the girls take turns moving the ultrasounds wand around. The two of them have been nothing but a joy to have as far as helping me around the house and keeping me occupied when their father isn't home.

"Daddy, BB, look. That's his boy parts." Shai pointed out on the TV screen.

We laughed.

"I know it." Shawn chuckled.

"Can I do it?" Suri said grabbing the wand.

"Sure you can." Dr. James grinned, letting it go.

Each of them both did it once more before she turned the machine off so the pictures would print.

"Alright! Here are the photos." She said. "You are currently six months and three weeks. Time is really flying."

"It really is. He'll be here in two months. Wow." I grinned.

"He sure will." She said. "Since time is coming closer, I feel it's time for us to begin talking about labor and delivery. Any thoughts or talks about how you want deliver him?"

She began to clean her equipment.

"I don't know. I've been thinking about a possible home birth because I've really been enjoying this home type feel of getting ultrasounds and having the girls here to really experience it, but um," I paused, then sighed. "I'm just taking everything that happened the first time into account. My nerves won't be settled until I bring him home healthy and he stays that way for a month time period."

"Right, understandable." She said.

"I'm worried that if something goes wrong during delivery here at home, that I won't be able to get the attention I need to save the baby or even myself, so out of fear of how my first pregnancy went, I'm pulling towards the hospital delivery."

"And that's perfectly fine." She said.

"What if we can possibly have those experts on hand so she can have a home delivery like she wants?" Shawn asked.

"It's ideal. I've seen it happen when I was interning this field of study as a doula. They didn't need them, but they were there in standby, if need be. So I wouldn't count it out considering money is not an option for you guys."

"Okay, well I want her to not able to have what she wants, I want her feel comfortable where she is. So is there any way you can give me like a list of people and equipment we can start buying and getting into the house cause I don't mind changing stuff around. I'll make a whole delivery room out one of these rooms and call it an day."

We laughed.

"Yeah." She laughed. "I sure will. Matter of fact, I'll make a list and send it once I get back to my office. Things and people we will have on standby. I'm just like you, I want her to have what she wants and I want her to be able to feel safe knowing she has the right people around her to keep her and the baby in good hands."


"So I just wrote that down to do that. Any other thoughts or concerns for me before I head out?" I asked.

"Uh no, I'm good." I said. "Thank you again!"

"You're welcome." She said.

We hugged her and led her to the door.

"Bye girls." She waved. "Hey, B. You have my number. You know me. Don't hesitate to call or text. I don't care what time".

"Okay." I said. "I will. Bye!"

Ruthless: The Sequel To "Clemency"  ✓Where stories live. Discover now