Chapter 35

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Trigger Warning:
This chapter has content dealing with sexual abuse, rape, and gun violence.



             Dria ran to open the door for Lauren and her family. Corey and I had the best times of our lives yesterday. After eating, we headed down to the beach and did some shit there and even found some jet skis to ride on. I feel like the best part of life is being able to do fun shit without planning and that's what we did.

"Hey. How y'all doing?" I spoke.

"Good." They all said taking a seat.

"Well, I see y'all had a ball yesterday." Lauren pointed out. "Out there riding jet skis and shit. Not inviting me."

"Hell, we just saw them bitches and paid to ride." I chuckled. "We definitely ain't plan it."

Corey shook his head while grinning, "It was fun, Ma."

"Well, I'm glad you all had fun. What are y'all up to today?" She asked.

We shrugged, "I don't know. Kinda boring to be in the house in a Saturday, but I'm sure we can find something to do here. Got a pool out back. Beachfront down the path out back. It's plenty to do. Whatchu want do, man?"

He shrugged.

"I don't care. I kinda forgot I planned to hang with my friends today, so I had to cancel on them."

"Why you cancel? Invite them over. We'll rent a yacht and some more jet skis." I told him.

"For real?"

"Yeah, for real. Call them. I'm booking it now."

We laughed at how fast he ran upstairs.

I got a call from Lori.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey, um I'm calling cause I needed to come to LA and I felt safer hopping over here know I was in the city. I have a cousin who passed away and the visitation is in an hour. Can you get the girls for a little while? I know it's last minute and you're trying to spend time with your son. I'm sorry and it's okay if not,"

"No, no. They can meet him. We bought to get a yacht for the day and chill. We not doing too much. You need me to come get them?"

"No, what house are you in?"

"The one on Santa Monica."

"Okay, I'll be there in about 12ish minutes."

"Aight, bet."


"BRO, THIS IS SO COOL!" One of Corey's friend, Harris, exclaimed after he jumped off the yacht for the seventh time.

"BRO, THIS IS SO COOL!" One of Corey's friend, Harris, exclaimed after he jumped off the yacht for the seventh time

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