Two Of Us

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"You're such wanker, but I love you for it." "I love you too Paul. Wait! I forgot to ask, would you like to join Yoko, Sean and I for Christmas?" "I dunno John, I would have to get Linda to agree, and plus I don't know how the kids would feel." "Please just think about it, for me." "I'm sorry John, I just can't." "Oh. Well, maybe some other time." He sounded so sad on the other line. "Yeah." "I love you James, never forget that lovie." "Okay, talk to you later Johnny." That was really weird. "What did he want?" My lovely wife wrapped her arms around me. "He wanted to see if we could spend Christmas with them. But I knew it would just be too hard, especially for the kids." "You could have consulted first. You know I love John's company." "I know." I sigh, hoping that I could call him later to talk it over. But I couldn't right now, since I had to head out to the studio. They rang up earlier and said that there was some parts to overlap.

I sighed as I heard the clang on the other line. I really just wanted to talk to him in person again. I always remember our long talks late at night, when we would talk about the most random topics. That glimmer in his eyes, that's what I hold onto most. God, what am I thinking? I love Yoko, and I love my baby boy Sean. God, I knew these feelings would never go away. He'll never reciprocate them, he has his own life with an amazing partner. I took my glasses off and felt a tear glide down my face, feeling what I didn't want to. Love and regret. "Are you okay John?" Yoko came running to my side. I almost couldn't answer. "Yeah, just fine."

The weather was decent for it being winter, the sun was also shining. Which never really happens here in England, but at least I can enjoy it while it lasts. I walked into the studio, ready to record. "George? What are you doing here?" There was George Martin, I haven't seen him in years. It wasn't too unusual since we discussed things over the phone, but this was out of the ordinary. "I'm sorry Paul, but the sessions with John are going to have to be postponed until January. Apparently it's already being used." "Oh, does John know?" "Yes, he actually hung up on me early this morning when I told him." "Oh, that bad?" "That bad." I got this feeling in my stomach again. The feeling I get when I think of him. You are so sick! You can't just have feelings for a married bloke. God, why do you have to be this way? "Well, thank you for telling me." "It's a pleasure Paul." Because he's John.

The day passed on quickly, me already getting ready for bed. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" "Yes you have. And I admire it." She gave me a kiss. "Goodnight darling." "Goodnight." I had a hard time falling asleep, tossing and turning. There was just this feeling in my stomach, that was telling me something was wrong. Oh my Lord, will you stop?! Everything is fine. Then there was a ring from the telephone. "Hello?............. What?........"

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