First Single

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I was back in America for a bit while we had a month break from touring and everything.

The girls and I were trying to figure out the lyrics to a song when my mom walked in with my head face down in on the desk.

"What's wrong Kayla?"
"The girls and I are trying to find the right lyrics for a song but we don't even know where to start" I said into the desk. I then looked up at her and said "I don't know if I'm cut out for this mom." I could feel my eyes start to burn with tears.

She looked at me and said "You have a gift and have so much success already. Don't throw it all away now. Don't waste your life and your talent because your scared." She gave me a kiss on the forehead and left the room.

I stared at my notebook and started writing

Mama told me not to waste my life
I called the girls immediately
"GUYS I HAVE A LYRIC!" I shouted as soon as all they answered
"Then let's hear it Little one" Jesy said as I rolled my eyes and hide my smile
"Mama told me not to waste my life"
.......there was silence then all of a sudden I hear Jade beautiful voice come through.
"She said spread your wings my little butterfly"
Then Leigh-Anne
"Don't let what they say keep you up at night"
Then Perrie
"And if they give you shit"
And finally Jesy's voice to wrap it up perfectly
"Then they can walk on by"

I squealed "OMG THATS IT!!!"
"Babes I think we need to go to America and start writing!!!!" Said Perrie.
"Agreed" the other 3 girls said.
"So we're going to LA? Or do you guys want to come to San Francisco?" I asked silently hoping they said SF because I want to show them my hometown.
"Well I think since this song started in SF it would only be fitting if it finished there too. What do ya say girls?" Said Jesy
"Looks like we're coming to you Bubs" said Jade
"YAYYYYYYY! I can't wait to show you guys around and introduce y'all to my family!" I said
They laugh and Leigh-Anne says "Ok little one we'll see you in two days I just texted our manager and got us flights out so get packing girls love you guys"
"Love you too" I reply and we hang up.

I then race down my hall to the living room where my mom and Noni (Grandma in Italian and I know many people say it differently but this is how I say it) and asked "Can the girls sleepover while they're here? Pleaseeeeeeee I promise to keep my room clean!"
"It's up to Noni" my mom says and I look and Noni with pleading eyes
She sighs and replies "Ok but you let me know when they are eating here so I can cook"
I rush to hug them and then clean my room which didn't take very long and then showered and slept hoping two days went by quick because I missed my big sisters.

Two days later

My Mom and I are at SFO waiting patiently for the girls to arrive. Well my mom is waiting patiently I on the other hand can't sit still. I'm literally switching between pacing back in forth infant of the chairs and siting in one chair bouncing my leg. 

"If you don't stop I'm going to smack you upside the head" My mom says 

I stop and turn to her about to say something smart back when I'm cut off by being tackled to the floor by someone. I was about to scream until I heard a familiar voice.

"I missed you my little bubba" Perrie says 

I hug her back even tighter and then I feel more weight on me and I open my eyes and see the rest of the girls have dog piled on top of me.

"O-k gir-l can-t bre-ath" I manage to get out and they all laugh before getting off me.

"Hi girls" My mom says and the girls all give her a hug 

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