The Boyfriends

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We get down to the field and Andre and Alex come over. I have already done as much research as I could on them. It helps when you watch Criminal Minds. They give there girlfriends a hug and they turn to me. 

"You must be Mikayla. I'm Andre." He says and sticks his hand out for me to shake and I cautiously shake it. 

"How do you know my name?" I ask 

"Well other then the fact that you are a pop star Leigh never stops talking about you. And I wanted to know who she was facetiming randomly during the day." He says with a chuckle but my face doesn't change. 

"I'm Alex. It's nice to finally meet you." Alex says and also sticking his hand out. I shake it just as cautiously as I shook Andre's. 

I made sure to keep a blank face but my blank face is just a resting bitch face if I'm honest. 

"So we are going to dinner together?" Alex asks trying to avoid the awkwardness I had created. 

"Actua-" I start to say but a hand cover my mouth stops me and I turn to see it's Perrie. 

"Yes all going to dinner so you boys get dressed and we'll meet at Leigh-Anne's." She says and I glare at her. 

The boys leave quickly and give their girlfriends a peck on the lips. 

The girls turn to me with their arms crossed. 

"What was that about?" Perrie asks.

 "I just want to make sure they are good enough for you girls." I said sincerely. 

"Aw bubs." Perrie says and they both give me a hug. 

"And it was payback for Leah but I promise at dinner I'll be nice just make sure I'm not fifth wheeling." I say

We arrive at Leigh-Anne's and wait for the boys to arrive. 

About 15 minutes later there's a knock at the door and it's the boys. We order deliver Chinese food. 

As we are eating I start to warm up to the boy and then we start having good conversations. We end up watching a movie and the couples are cuddled up together so I decide to give them some alone time and go to my room using the excuse that I have to call Jade. 

I Facetime Jade and she doesn't answer but replies with a text. 

Jade: I'm at a club right now is everything ok?

Me: Yeah I just missed you but I'll call you later. 

Jade: Ok love you!

Me: Love you too

I was bored to I decided to FaceTime Leah and she answered right away.

 Leah: Hey what's up 

Me: Nothing I'm giving the girls time alone with their boyfriends and I got bored so I called you. 

Leah: Well don't I feel special

Me: You weren't my first choice though so don't get all big in the head now

Leah: Sure. 

Me: Anyway, what are you doing? 

Leah: Currently watching Friends on Netflix but since you have my attention now do you wanna play 20 questions? 

Before I could even respond the girls come in and Leigh-Anne grabs my phone and says to Leah "No she's good she's busy now bye" and hangs up the phone. 

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