Everything Happens for a Reason

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Time Skip in LA writing DNA album

The girls and I are in LA right now trying to write the rest of the album when I got a call from my mom. 

"Hey mom" I say once I answer 

All I hear is sobs

"Mom? What's wrong?" I say panicked which grabs the attention of the girls

"Your si-ster i-s in t-he hos-pital" She manages to say in-between hiccups

"What why?" 

"They found a mass in her stomach" She replies 

"What does that mean?" 

"We don't know yet. But stay in LA if anything changes I'll let you know. I love you" She then hangs up before I could reply 

I turn to the girls and said "Um my sister is in the hospital. They found a mass in her stomach but they don't know what it is. My mom told me to stay here and keep us updated." I tell them 

They all gave me a hug "It's ok" 

I looked at them confused "I'm ok. My mom said it's ok" 

I sit down and get back to writing a song I was working on called Change Your Life

They all sit down hesitantly looking at me worriedly as they grab their pen and paper again. 

Two Days Later 

"So she has cancer?" I ask my mom

"Yes. But we caught it early. She has kidney cancer and she will be getting treatment and surgery in a week" She says 

"Ok that's good right?" 


"Mom. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I have to go bye. love you." She says and hangs up again and I sigh and put my head in my hands. 

"What's wrong Kayla?" Asks Jade walking in.

"My sister has cancer and is starting treatment and having surgery in a week and my mom is pretending she's ok." I reply and she comes over and gives me a hug 

"I think you should go and be with them ok?" she says and I nod and start packing some of my things. 

The Next Day

"Hi mom" I say as I see her and I can tell she has been crying and hasn't been sleeping

"Hi babygirl. I can't believe they let you come." She says and gives me a hug.

"It's only till my birthday then the next day I have to go home" I reply pulling away.

We drive home in silence and I text the girls letting them know what's going on and that I made it safely. 


Me: Hey girls I made it.

Perrie: Good. How's your mom

Me: Not good. She's putting on a brave face for me and trying to pretend like everything alright. 

Jesy: I'm sorry babe. How are you though?

Me: I'm fine just happy to be with my family right now. I got to go though I'll talk to you later

End of Convo

I put my phone down and got ready to be the rock for my family. 

Time Skip to Birthday

I just got back home from getting the food for my birthday with my mom so that we can eat dinner at the hospital with my sister. I'm walking up the stairs and I see my sister sitting on the couch with my bandmates. I run up to hug her but was stopped and told to wash my hands. I run to the kitchen and wash my hands then give my sister a hug. 

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