Celebrity Crush

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The game went on and it came full circle back to me. 

"Kayla truth or dare." Kelley says.

"Truth." I say right away. 

"Who was the girl Sonnett was talking about?" Pineo says and I glare at Sonnett who shrugs at me. 

"Um Mal." I mumble out. 

"Louder hunny." Kelley says. 

"Mal." I said clearer causing Mal to blush and Lindsey holding onto my waist tighter. 

"OK we'll be back." Lindsey said and picked me up taking me to her room. Luckily Jade was on Alex's lap so she could follow. 

Lindsey put the bolt on the door so no one could enter and tossed me on the bed. She climbs onto of me and pins my arms above my head. 

"So you let one of my best friends give you a hickey then you have a crush on my other best friend." Lindsey says and getting closer to my face. I start getting very flustered and breathing heavy. 

"It was a dare. And before we were together." I say still heavy breathing. 

"I also heard you moan in the bathroom." She says sinking down to my neck giving it a few kisses. She then starts sucking my neck hard. 

"Oh fuck" I breath out and she moves her hands off my wrists and intertwines her fingers with mine. 

She continues her attack on my neck and I'm a moaning mess right now. 

She lifts her head up admiring her art work. 

"That's much better." Lindsey says while I'm still trying to catch my breath. 

She gets off of me and I sit up fanning myself. 

"Uh yeah. I'm almost sweating now." I say causing her to smirk and scoot closer to me and grabs my jersey that happens to be Rose's. 

"Let me help you then." She says and pulls the jersey off me. It's at this moment when she realizes that I'm wearing Rose's jersey. "You just love pissing me off today."

"It was her day." I said shrugging and I notice she's staring my my boobs. 

"I think you should be marked in places where only I can see." She says. 

"Um no I need a break baby." I say laying back down and she lays down next to me. 

She then says into my ear "That's daddy to you." Then kisses my cheek making me blush even more. 

"Whatever you say, daddy." I say causing her to smirk and lean in giving me a kiss. 

She pulls me onto her lap still kissing her. I pull away from her lips and go down to her neck returning the favor she gave me earlier. 

I start sucking and biting her neck as she moans moving her hands from my waist to my ass giving it a squeeze. 

I pull away smiling. 

"What? Admiring the first hickey you've given?" She ask causing me freeze for a sec. 

"Uh you want the truth?" I ask causing her to sit up and lean against the bed frame. 

"Yes." She said gripping my ass. 

"Um I gave Leah hickeys a couple of times." I said shrugging causing her to roll her eyes so I gave her a peck on the lips. "Nothing to worry about now though." 

"Good." She says giving me a longer kiss which was cut short by knocks on the door. 

"Uh just a sec!" I say putting the jersey back on along with Lindsey's sweatshirt to hide the hickeys and I throw Lindsey one to hide hers. 

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